文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is now or never if we are going to stand up.

2022年12月02日 15時02分35秒 | 全般

The following is from a feature article in the November 26 issue of the monthly magazine WiLL titled "We Want to Curse and Kill Xi Jinping's Dictatorship! and featured a dialogue between four authors, including Tomoko Ako, a professor at the University of Tokyo, Tan Lomi, a writer, Yang Yizhi, and Liu Yanzi, a Chinese literature scholar.
As I have mentioned, WiLL and Handa are full of factual articles, yet they cost 980 yen! That's a bargain!
It is no exaggeration to say that they are the best monthly magazines in the world today.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but for people worldwide.
It is a must-read for men and women, young and old, and especially for all young people.
Some parts of the article already foreshadow the phenomenon that is now taking place in China.
As readers know, I have decided that as long as China and South Korea continue their Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, I will never visit these two countries.
In this chapter, Ms. Yang gives us astonishing facts about the reality of Beijing, which the Japanese mass media do not or will never report.
This section alone proves that this is the best monthly magazine in the world.
At the same time, it also proves that most of the mass media in Japan are corrupt.
This feature perfectly demonstrates that Kissinger's perception and knowledge of Japan and China were abysmal.
It also proves the same is true of the Democratic Party of the United States members and supporters.
The prominent faces of people like Alexis Dudden, who have attacked Japan, wielding anti-Japanese propaganda from China and South Korea, must be getting much smaller in the United States.
But, last year, when a brilliant Harvard scholar published a paper verifying the lies about comfort women and conscription, red scholars proxies for China and South Korea, who pervade U.S. universities, attacked him.
The way things are going, the U.S. and Japan still have to be on their guard.

The Chinese Will Not Awaken
When I was a child, I grew up listening to songs praising Mao Zedong and slogans praising communism, and even now, when I hear the melody, I hum the tune, and my body moves on its own.
That's how frightening brainwashing is.
That's right.
That is why Chinese people do not wake up from what Lu Xun called "napping." 
Among the Chinese who have been in Japan for more than 30 years, like me, few came to Japan in search of freedom but are still living in the Chinese society in Japan.
They have little contact with Japanese people in their lives and work and cannot speak Japanese freely.
Their idea of democracy seems to be no different from the concept taught in Chinese schools.
I doubt that such democratic activists will be able to build an actual democratic state in China, and even if they seize power, they may be 50-50 with Xi Jinping.
More than 40 years after Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up, countless Chinese have studied abroad and returned to China. Still, they have not helped China's political progress or democratic development in the slightest.
Even if they go to Japan or the U.S., they only learn technology and return home without paying attention to freedom and democracy.
Many Chinese who have genuinely "escaped Chinese society" abroad, living integrated into local life and culture, have no greed for China-related interests and may have little interest in politics.
It would be better to teach democratic values to the Chinese, who are "parasites" on Chinese society, or to newly emerged foreign students, by offering courses such as "what are human rights," "what is history," "what is the Constitution," and "what is civics.

The original culprit is "national shame education.
Earlier, you mentioned brainwashing education. There is a sense of national shame among the Chinese people that they will never forget the humiliation of being invaded by a foreign country in a war.
In this context, there is something called the "nine-dash line," a line of nine boundaries that China has drawn on its map to assert its territorial rights in the South China Sea.
When Mr. Wang Chong, a Chinese professor at an American university, was invited to lecture at a university in Beijing on that 9-dash line, he asked if they thought the 9-dash line was correct. All the students answered that it was. 
To confirm this, I asked a Chinese professor at a well-known Japanese university, "Do you think the Nansha Islands in the South China Sea are Chinese territory?" He apologetically replied, "I can't say it too openly, but ...... I think so in my heart.
The professor was in his 40s, sincere, well-educated, and well-liked by everyone. 
Furthermore, when I asked several Chinese students in their 20s~30s, they replied, "In China, I was taught that from elementary school, and I have seen and heard on TV and in newspapers that it is a Chinese thing. After studying in Japan, I learned that there is another way of thinking, but it is difficult to change one's mind about something that has been taught from an early age," they said. 
I do not believe that all Chinese students in Japan believe in the 9-dash line, but even if China launches a military invasion of the Senkaku Islands, many Chinese people in Japan will support it.
In fact, James Reef in the Nansha Islands, which China claims as the southernmost point of the 9th parallel, is a reef and cannot be recognized as an "island" under the International Convention on the Law of the Sea, and therefore cannot be claimed as territorial waters.
They do not know such facts due to their lack of study.
No matter how many exemplary Japanese teachers teach democracy or make them read books, Chinese students are not awakened.
It is a challenging problem.
I share such pessimistic aspects of China, but I want to improve the current situation.
Most of my graduate students come from China. However, when my students interact with public intellectuals who can no longer engage in journalistic activities or publish books in China, they are extremely shocked.
Through such activities, I would like to convey the benefits of democracy to the Chinese people.
Since the time of Sun Yat-sen, Japan has been trying to change China by instilling good things in it, and I believe that Japan is the one who can change China for the better. 
At the beginning of this article, you mentioned that Mr. Liu's friend said, "I want to cut off this one arm that has Chinese blood running through it," which is a sorrowful story.
It is not good to group China as a race exclusively.
The current Communist government has many problems, but I believe that even if you have Chinese blood in your veins, you will be able to see various values by living in Japan.
On the other hand, if we talk about China as if it is the bad guy, it will still be someone else's problem, and we will not be able to influence them positively.
I am writing a book mainly on the modern history of China and Japan, but in the past, Japanese educators such as Jigoro Kano influenced China with the same stance as you, Ms. Ako.
Dr. Toru Terao, a law professor at Tokyo Imperial University, also contributed significantly to Sun Yat-sen's revolution, even at the cost of his pension.
Ms. Ako's ongoing activities are a light in the darkness.
I, born and raised in China, came to Japan to experience freedom, but it took me 30 years to finally shake off the poison.
Japan, Without Philosophy, Cannot Do Anything.
I am afraid I can only do small things.
That is why I would like to work together with various people.
Recently I went to Taiwan for four days to participate in the "Global Movement for Democracy."
This gathering brings together activists, journalists, lawyers, and scholars from around the world to analyze human rights abuses and abuse of power, discuss strategies to combat discrimination and injustice, and develop freedom and democracy. 
The central theme of this year's conference was "How to counter digital authoritarianism, which is developing mainly in China, Russia, and other countries.
Especially now that Russia is spreading fake information against Ukraine, I realized once again that democracies must unite.
How can we, as democracies, create a counter-narrative to authoritarian countries like China and Russia that publish narratives that suit them?
In order to create such a strategy, it is necessary to have concrete discussions among various groups, such as the educational field, the media, and think tanks.
At present, however, Japan is leaving this to the U.S. and the U.K., and the principles of what we value are very vague.
I completely agree.
Right now, there has been a series of missile launches from North Korea, but Japan has only been "monitoring with a sense of caution" and has not been able to take a firm response.
Simply watching is meaningless. 
Without firm principles and decisiveness, it can take no concrete action.
Regarding human rights issues such as Uyghur and Hong Kong, Japan has only issued guidelines and resolutions but no concrete laws or policies.
In recent years, economic security has been mentioned, but without a solid philosophy, the economy will take precedence and have no impact on human rights issues.
When human rights are the focus, there will always be areas where the corporate side will lose out, but to be prepared to deal with human rights issues, a solid philosophy is still necessary.
Even if the disadvantages are significant in the short term, the disadvantages of fostering a huge authoritarian state like China are far more effective in the long run.
After the Tiananmen Square incident, Japan ignored human rights and went along with China, causing China to grow into the authoritarian state it is today.
We must reflect on this.
Japan and the U.S. fostered a monster state, China.
Why did Japan fail to see the true nature of China at the time of the Tiananmen Square incident?
As Ms. Ako says, none other than Japan and the U.S. fostered the monstrous nation of China that we know today.
The problem is that although Japan contributed enormous amounts of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to China, the ordinary Chinese need to be aware that they received ODA assistance.
Japan and the U.S. provided funds and created joint ventures in the public and private sectors, which attracted investments from all over the world to China. China's economy grew, but the Chinese have forgotten this.
The Chinese people think that China's economic development is their strength.
So Japan should do more to promote Japan's achievements.
In fact, I was in charge of ODA at the Japanese embassy in China, and all Japan did was box stuff.
Because of the historical view of atonement for the war, they were too afraid to interfere in internal affairs, so they just gave money to the Chinese government, which was the end.
Usually, if a school is to be built, it must include a set of contents, such as what to teach at the school and how to develop human resources to become teachers, but Japan did little of this.
That's why ordinary Chinese people don't know about the fact that Japan provided ODA.
Japan has been repeating the same mistake for a long time.
In the 1920s, the world returned reparations to China for the Yihe Dan Incident during the Qing Dynasty, but the U.S. built schools in China, enrolled students chosen by the U.S., and sent them to study in the U.S. to earn doctoral degrees.
Upon returning to Japan, the doctor became a university professor and said, "I am indebted to the United States. He educated the next generation, saying, "I am indebted to the U.S. The U.S. is a beautiful country."
So the next generation also thinks the U.S. is excellent.
However, Japan returned part of the reparations to the Chinese government and left the selection of students to the Chinese government to study in Japan.
Therefore, the students do not know that the money came from Japan and do not feel indebted to Japan.
Also, Japan used most of the returned funds to build research institutes in Beijing and Shanghai, dispatched Japanese researchers from Japan, and immersed them in Chinese studies in places that had nothing to do with the Chinese people.
Because of this, they were thought to be stinking research institutes and were ostracized.
If the same money is to be spent, it is better to make the most of it and use it effectively, as in the United States.
Instead of investing in equipment and institutions, we should invest human resources.
After all, the West is based on Christianity and has a strong sense of human rights.
Japan, however, is so conscious of the separation of politics and economics that it thinks that all that is good enough is the economy. It has not tried to nurture human nature inside.
In fact, most of Japan's ODA goes into the pockets of bureaucrats, and most of the Chinese who have succeeded in doing business in Japan are relatives and supporters of these bureaucrats.
I was actually in charge of this project, so I know the sad reality as much as I hate to admit it.
Even if the Chinese are grateful, it is to the Chinese politicians and officials involved with the Japanese politicians who bridged the ODA, not Japan.

It's time for Japan to speak up for China!
The "Democracy Fund" in the U.S. and Taiwan is working to support Chinese human rights lawyers and others. I have been asked so often that my ears are ringing, "Why doesn't Japan, the largest democracy in Asia, have a Democracy Fund? Japan should also create one. 
Liu Xiaobo advocated a shift from "benefit diplomacy" to "value diplomacy.
It means that as an economic superpower, Japan is responsible for developing the Asian economy. In politics, as the most mature democratic power in Asia, it should morally be the most significant player in the social transformation of Asia and the progress of political democratization.
The Chinese Communist Party has been in power for more than 70 years, but Japan has remained apologetic forever.
That will not start anything.
Japan should not just feel sorry for those who the Chinese government oppresses.
We must think and act concretely for the sake of democracy.
What is Japan going to do as the global pressure on China intensifies?
It is now or never if we are going to stand up.
Deng Xiaoping gave the following speech at the Sixth Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly in 1974. 
"If China should someday change, become a superpower, and seize global hegemony, bullying, invading, and exploiting other countries everywhere, then the peoples of the world should condemn China as "social imperialism," expose China's evil, oppose China, and work with the Chinese people to overthrow China." 
Now is the time for Japan to show leadership, cooperate with the rest of the world and the distressed Chinese people, and stand firm in speaking out against China for a bright future for Japan-China relations.







