文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The true identity of the "conscientious Japanese."

2024年10月14日 11時32分25秒 | 全般
Japan's "conscientious intellectuals" also bear a significant responsibility for the current dire situation.
They stood by and assisted in the distortion of history about wartime laborers and, in some cases, even took part in it.
This article was originally published on 2019-08-28.
The following is an excerpt from an article by Nishioka Tsutomu, which appeared in the current issue of the monthly magazine Hanada, in a special feature titled "The Disease Called Korea: Even at This Late Stage, There Are Anti-Japanese Japanese Who Still Take Korea's Side."
He is the scholar who has thoroughly verified and pointed out that the Asahi Shimbun's fabricated and globally disseminated reports on military comfort women are false.
In other words, he is a genuinely great Japanese person who has contributed most significantly to Japan and the Japanese people.
He deserves the People's Honor Award and the Nobel Prize.
People like Alexis Dudden have taken advantage of the Asahi Shimbun's fabrication to bring Japan disgrace to the international community, including the United States and the United Nations.
They are the most vicious people in the world, holding the titles of university professors and lawmakers while being agents of the 21st century's still-existing Nazi states of China and the Korean Peninsula.
The Nazi nations of China and the Korean Peninsula and their agents have been secretly operating to keep Japan, a country where the turntables of civilization are turning as God's providence, a political prisoner in the international community.
It is creating the unstable and dangerous world we have today.
The emphasis in the text is mine.
The text below the annotation mark is mine.

The true identity of the "conscientious Japanese." 
who are primarily responsible for the deterioration of Japan-Korea relations. Haruki Wada and others are doing something strange to worsen the situation.
On July 25, Wada and around 70 other like-minded people issued a joint statement condemning the current policy of the Abe administration towards Korea. 
In my latest book, "The Fabricated Issue of Forced Labor" (Soshisha), I devote a chapter to criticizing the activities of "anti-Japanese Japanese" such as Mr. Wada and others, which have been carried out since the 1980s, and which I believe are behind the unjust ruling of the South Korean Supreme Court in October last year.
To summarize that criticism,
● Mr. Wada has been campaigning since the 1980s to make the Japanese government's official position his biased view based on the "illegal rule" theory that denies the legal validity of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty of 1910.

*Hashimoto Toru, who appeared on a particular program about the House of Councillors election and later on a BSTBS program, spoke as if he were a lawyer and knew the truth. 
Still, he spoke as if he were in sympathy with these despicable people.
In this respect, he was genuinely unforgivable and was a traitor to his country, a man who was no better than the toilet paper he defined as being below human beings*.

In 2010, he issued a joint statement by Japanese and Korean intellectuals to get then-Prime Minister Naoto Kan to state an apology.
As expected, Prime Minister Kan repeated his apology, but he did not explicitly include the "illegality of governance" argument in the statement, which would have overturned the foundations of Japan-Korea relations.
However, Mr. Wada's activities and those of others were widely reported in South Korea.
Two years later, in 2012, the Supreme Court of South Korea's Petty Bench overturned a lower court ruling in favor of the Japanese company and issued a remand judgment that, for the first time, adopted the "illegality of governance" theory put forward by Mr. Wada and others as the basis for its argument in a trial brought by former wartime laborers.
●The Supreme Court's final ruling in October last year also used the same argument.
It proves my theory that the Japanese have fanned the problem of historical awareness since the 1980s. 
Mr. Wada has also issued a statement criticizing the Japanese government.
Although the Japanese media largely ignored it, in South Korea, it is still being praised as the work of "conscientious Japanese."
As a result, it is preventing a proper understanding in South Korea of why most Japanese people support the current Abe administration's policy towards South Korea. 
In August this year, Mr. Wada received the Manhae Peace Prize because he promoted the "illegality of colonial rule" theory.
At the award ceremony held in South Korea on August 12, Mr. Wada said, "For 66 years, I have appealed for the Japanese government and people to reflect on their colonial rule and past and to live with a heart that is willing to apologize. I want to continue walking down the same path until the end."
This prize, considered one of the most prestigious awards in South Korea, is given each year to a person who has contributed to world peace in memory of Han Yong-un (pen name: Manhae), a Buddhist monk, poet, and independence activist. 
The prize has been awarded to the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, and Kim Dae-Jung in the past. 
On the other hand, Dr. Lee Woo-yeon, a spirited Korean economic historian who has empirically criticized the traditional theory of forced labor and slave labor about the wartime labor issue, stated on July 28 that "such moves by certain people in Japan are not helpful to Japan-Korea relations. They are harmful, as they encourage the Korean government, which is heading in the wrong direction. Japan's 'conscientious intellectuals' responsibility is also great in the current difficult situation. They stood by and even helped with the distortion of history in relation to wartime laborers, and in some cases even took part. The same is true of the issue of comfort women. Why did they do this? It was 'sympathyism'. Now they are trying to cover up the truth again." 
He criticized Wada and others on social networking sites. 
To begin with, the fact that Mr. Wada, who is responsible for the deterioration of Japan-Korea relations to this extent, is now blaming the Abe administration for this is an unforgivable argument that is truly "a match-pumping" type of argument.
The crime is great.
This article continues.

*I searched to confirm the English reading of Dr. Lee Woo-yeon, but it appears on something other than Wikipedia.
The low character of the Koreans, who try to erase inconvenient truths from the international community, is difficult to describe.
They don't even realize that their behavior proves that they are Nazis.
The international community, which has continued to forgive the words and actions of these Nazis, must reflect on itself.*

10/13/2024 in Umeda


