文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

it is urgent that the Constitution, imposed by GHQ to weaken Japan permanently, must be revised

2022年07月06日 11時05分33秒 | 全般
Especially since watch9, simply put, has repeatedly reported that the Okinawans are correct and the Japanese government is wrong.
Jul 06, 2022.
It is a chapter I sent out on May 31, 2019, and is now in the Real-Time Top 10.
I am re-submitting it with corrections to paragraphs, punctuation, etc.
The following *~* is from Kim Koo, Wikipedia, an addition on 2019-02-27 to the chapter I sent out on 2012-08-28.
*South Korea's Moon Jae-in was at this man's memorial yesterday! And it held his first cabinet meeting outside of a government building, except during wartime (must be a Korean War thing) (from this morning's Sankei front page).
Moon Jae-in is a hazardous and vicious man for Japan and the world, not to mention the worst far-left activist in South Korea's history, a follower of North Korea's ideology, and now South Korea's president.
It is no exaggeration to say that he is, in fact, a North Korean agent.
For example, activists such as Zenkyoto, Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction), Japan Revolutionary Communist League-National Committee, and the Democratic Youth League of Japan dominate the country and play politics in a revolutionary manner.
That is the reality of South Korea today.
Now that it is clear that North Korea will absorb South Korea, we must urgently address the question of how to defend Japan and rebuild Japan's national security system.
It is at a time when it is urgent that the Constitution, imposed by GHQ to weaken Japan permanently, must be revised...
It is no exaggeration to say that the opposition parties are under the manipulation of the Korean Peninsula and China, and the Asahi Shimbun is a parallel reality.
NHK's WATCH9, in particular, reports diverting the public's attention from this.

Prime Minister Abe is a giant eye sore for China and the Korean peninsula.
It is proof that Abe is a real statesman and the most influential politician in the free world.
The way they report the news is probably designed to weaken the influence of the LDP led by Prime Minister Abe by defeating him in the Upper House election.
In other words, NHK's flagship news programs feature the words and deeds of people who are genuine agents of China and the Korean peninsula and traitors to their country.
Take, for example, the words and deeds of a minor official at the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare.
They are the most despised officials in Kasumigaseki.
They are probably members of the All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union, which is in league with the opposition parties.
The All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union is a crucial member of the struggle against the base in Okinawa.
These union members may be intent on disrupting the national government with their, shall we say, deliberate sabotage, as befits a communist.
They report information they have received from the union members, claiming that the information was obtained due to their company-wide news gathering activities, and fabricate the report from the beginning.
The opposition politicians are Asahi, Mainichi, Tokyo, Chunichi, NHK, etc.
They are serving China and the Korean peninsula with their masochistic view of history, anti-Japanese ideology, and traitorous activities by manipulating the impression that statistical fraud is an urgent issue for Japan. NHK, etc.

The two newspapers in Okinawa are entirely under the control of China, the Korean Peninsula, or the Communist Party, so there is no room for argument.
Yesterday, July 5, 2022, a newspaper reported that the candidates nominated by the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Communist Party of Japan were in the winner's circle in Okinawa.
I was not only upset but also a little angry at them, saying, "The Okinawans must get to the bottom of things.
Japan is a country whose "turntable of civilization" is turning, a country that must lead the world alongside the United States for the next 170 years.
They should be ashamed to be its citizens.
But is it any wonder that candidates like those recommended by the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Communist Party of Japan are in the winner's circle in Okinawa?
It is not only the fact that the two Okinawan prefectural newspapers dominate Okinawa, which is outrageous but also the coverage by NHK.
I am only watching NHK's coverage as I go along, but even so, I can see it.
Especially watch9, put, repeatedly reports that the Okinawans are correct and the Japanese government is wrong.
The Okinawans who would elect candidates recommended by the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and the Communist Party of Japan (CPJ) are the only ones who subscribe to the Okinawa Times and Ryukyu Shimpo, which dominate Okinawa.
And watch NHK news programs and other TV programs and are the only ones with the intelligence to do so.
The share of the two major newspapers in Okinawa (Okinawa Times/Ryukyu Shimpo) is a whopping 98%! So, the share rate is 98%!
This article continues.


