文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The recent "Kuroda-bashing" is the same foolish and harmful

2022年06月09日 10時59分56秒 | 全般
Kiichi Miyazawa is a politician with a wide range of reputation.
He was a close reader of the Asahi Shimbun and other newspapers. He was so taken in by Asahi's fabricated articles on military comfort women and being moved forcibly that he got down on his knees eight times during his visit to South Korea as prime minister.
Meanwhile, in 1989, at the LDP's annual study session in Karuizawa, Miyazawa pointed out that the economic situation was not a normal business cycle.
He should be applauded for his knowledge of the economy when he mentioned that the problem had to be solved by injecting 10-15 trillion yen in public funds into financial institutions with large amounts of non-performing loans.
Atsushi Yamada, a reporter in the Asahi Shimbun's economics department, turned Kiichi Miyazawa's once-in-a-generation lucidity into nothing.
It is indisputable that the Asahi Shimbun created the long-term deflation of the Japanese style, which Western countries abhorred as if it were a scorpion, and took all possible measures to avoid it.
This deflation continues and has severely reduced Japan's national strength.
At that time, Japan's GDP was 550 trillion yen, while the US GDP was 750 trillion yen.
In 2022, Japan's GDP will still be around 550 trillion yen, while the U.S. GDP will have quadrupled by then.
It is the amount of economic loss that the Asahi Shimbun has inflicted on Japan, and it is an obvious fact.
Japan, which the Asahi dominated until August 2014, was so stupid.
Asahi's numerous fabricated reports on comfort women and other issues, and the so-called scholars and lawyers who sympathize with Asahi went to the UN to organize IMADR and other organizations to issue human rights recommendations to Japan at every opportunity.
One of the key figures in this group, a Korean female professor at the Aoyama Gakuin University School of Law, brainwashes even her students to attack Japan's immigration system, the kindest in the world.
Of course, their propaganda to undermine Japan is not limited to the student level.
Last night's NHK, watch9, happily joined in the attack on the government by spending a lengthy segment on the claims of the woman's sister, without mentioning the conduct of the Sri Lankan woman who died at the immigration office.
In other words, the people who control NHK's news department are the same as IMADR and others, especially the Korean female professors of Aoyama Gakuin University's law department.
Today's Nikkei article below proves that the Asahi, NHK, and other media outlets have continued to dramatically weaken Japan's economic power, as evidenced by Watch9's coverage of the yen's depreciation.
The self-defeating historical view, anti-Japanese ideology, and pseudo-moralism of Asahi, NHK, and other media outlets are the continued decline of Japan's national strength.
The recent "Kuroda-bashing" is the same foolish and harmful "Miyazawa-bashing" of 1989-1990, i.e., bashing the correct insight of introducing public funds to financial institutions.
The fact that the Asahi Shimbun contaminated the brains of Japan's elite (who may have been mere honor students for the entrance examinations) is shocking since the Asahi Shimbun and those who sympathized with them included the presidents of financial institutions.

The following is from the Nikkei Shimbun.
Investors, however, observed the "Kuroda fiasco" from a different perspective.
"I don't understand why Kuroda is getting so much flak," said one investor with long experience investing in Japanese stocks.
A senior executive at a U.S. investment management firm with long experience investing in Japanese equities shook his head.
"The biggest weakness of Japanese companies is that the constitution that cannot raise prices is finally about to change, but do Japanese people want to lower their stock prices?"
Investors welcome price hikes because they suspect that the root of Japanese companies' low profitability lies in the "price hike phobia" that has taken root over many years of deflation.
"Foreign investors see this as an opportunity to change the long-standing norm (social norm) that prices will not rise."
Japanese products will become "cheap or cheaply priced if consumers cannot accept price hikes.
Mr. Makoto Morita of Daiwa Securities, who is in charge of the food sector, points out.
"If we cannot pass on soaring raw material and logistics costs, we will not be able to maintain high quality."
Naturally, the market expects wage increases to follow the rush to raise prices.
"Part-time and non-regular employment, which has been an obstacle to higher wages, is coming to a head, creating an environment where upward pressure on wages will increase."
Mr. Yunosuke Ikeda of Nomura Securities Co.says.
Price hikes accompanied by higher wages are indispensable for a full-fledged revival of "good inflation" Japanese stocks.


