文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

My photos from yesterday were excellent, in my opinion.

2022年09月17日 20時31分05秒 | 全般
My photos from yesterday were excellent, in my opinion.
I will deliver them in various forms, not only to the people of Japan but also to people all over the world.
NHK's 7 p.m. news program reported on the situation in Germany, which has been the authority of pseudo-moralism. One of them is nuclear power plant de-energization, where soaring electricity prices are causing the economy to break even, a situation that is not too much to say that the national economy is going bankrupt.
Serious readers of this column will be keenly aware that everything I have suggested or harshly criticized since my first issue in July 2010 has hit the nail.

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