文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Chizuko Ueno's Feminism is just a fake...

2024年10月10日 06時38分44秒 | 全般
The following is from the serialized column "Fighting Epicurus" by Hiroshi Furuta, Professor Emeritus at Tsukuba University and one of the world's leading scholars, which appeared in the monthly magazine WiLL from 292 to 3 columns on September 26.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but also for people worldwide.

Reading Yoko Kato's Autobiography "Thoughtful and Flexible" (published in the Asahi Shimbun)
The left-wing scholar's lizard tail cut off
In the "Opinion & Forum" section of the Asahi Shimbun dated August 1, there was an article that appeared to be an autobiography by Yoko Kato, a historian and professor at the University of Tokyo.
As it was unusually honest for Ms. Kato's previous writings, I took it as an autobiography. 
Still, it seems that many people saw it as the "complaints and whining" of a scholar.
Looking at it in order, she says she is a proponent of separate family names for husband and wife but uses her husband's surname of "Kato" in addition to her own surname of "Nojima."
'My spouse teaches Japanese history at a cram school.'
I am a professor at the University of Tokyo, but I also respect my husband, who teaches at a cram school. 
I also use the surname Kato, which is what she means.
The interviewer, Satoko Tanaka (editorial committee member Junko Takahashi, who borrowed the name), poked her about this. 
She was criticized for being anarchic, saying, "Last year, the NHK program ‘100 Minutes of Feminism' introduced the writings of anarchist Ito Noe, who was massacred by the military police after the Great Kanto Earthquake." 
The reason for this is that "the social norm that women should be responsible for looking after the home has caused a lot of women to suffer, both in the past and today." 
In this context, she says that Noe, who has been active in social movements, is admirable. 
However, in the program, she was ridiculed by Ueno Chizuko. 
This was really upsetting. 
"Chizuko Ueno, who I have known for a long time and appeared on the show with, was puzzled and asked me 'why I, Yoko Kato, who is meticulous and careful, would choose the crude activist Noe Ito.'
Yoko Nojima says she was highly displeased.
I am always very thorough.
However, there is a reason for this; almost all Japanese sociologists believe that "the family is fiction."
I once asked a group of sociologists at Tsukuba University about this, and when I asked them for the logical basis for it, the kindest of them, Dr. Noriko Tarukawa, brought me a book by a Westerner. 
I found it so ridiculous that I forgot the title and author.
Ultimately, it seems this is a tacit agreement about their "studies."
For the sociologist and feminist Ueno, Noda, who was busy with child-rearing and housework because of this "fake," is a crude activist.
Chizuko Ueno's Feminism is just a fake...
I wrote about this in detail in articles 34 to 36 of the May 2022 issue of this series and also in articles 38 and 47.
If you want to know the truth, please take a look.
This article continues.

2024/10/6 in Umeda, Osaka


