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Addicted to YouTube

2025-02-27 | shrine and temple


Lately, I've been hooked on watching Shizuka Sasaki's YouTube videos.

 Shizuka Sasaki is a Buddhist scholar and a priest of the Takada school of Shinshu Buddhism.

He was also a professor at Hanazono University, though he is now retired.

I started watching it, but once I started, I couldn't stop.

He explains the seemingly complicated and grand world of Buddhism in a very easy-to-understand way.

It will take me a long time to finish watching it .


This is how I came across this video.

 l learned about Yokota Nanrei, the head priest of the Engakuji school of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism and president of Hanazono University, on the Facebook page of Zen san, an acquaintance of mine through a blog.

I learned about Shizuka Sasaki through Nanrei's YouTube channel.


Zen san's Facebook (currently suspended)

Zen san's blog (currently suspended)

Zen san practices Zen meditation and lives a quiet life away from all social media, television, radio, and newspapers, aiming for a "contented and peaceful mind."


Yokota Nanrei's YouTube and diary (updated daily)

Learning from the Heart Sutra (6 episodes)

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Words of a bulletin board 96

2025-01-28 | shrine and temple




This time, words of a bulletin board is

"Keep your ties warm and wait for your luck to come" from NHK's Gold and Silver.

There are also proverbs that say "Wait for the ties and the world to end" and "Wait for the ties and the days to end".

It seems to mean that you should wait for good opportunities to come naturally, and that rushing is no good, and it's best to take your time and relax.

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Happy new year

2025-01-04 | diary


Happy New Year.


 Words of a bulletin board is


May this year be a "calm" year in many ways.


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Words of a bulletin board 95

2024-11-28 | shrine and temple




This time, words of a bulletin board is

"Only a little bit left this year.

Don't rush.

Don't get angry.

Don't be arrogant.

Don't get discouraged.

Don't be lazy ."

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Words of a bulletin board 94

2024-11-01 | shrine and temple



This time, words of a bulletin board is

" The result will be as it is.

If you did everything that youcan, you need not do anything.

Just wait patiently."

This word is a ZEN phrase that is pronaunced " kekka jinen ni naru"

It means that once you've done everything you can, all you have to do is wait for the result.

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Words of a bulletin board 93

2024-10-05 | shrine and temple



This time, words of a bulletin board is

"If  you throw something that we can eat, it will become trash.

If you eat it, it will become life" 

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Words of a bulletin board 92

2024-08-29 | shrine and temple


cotton rose mallow

This time, words of a bulletin board is

"A smile is the best medicine"


 A strong, slow-moving Typhoon No. 10 (SHANSHAN) struck Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu this morning.
This typhoon missed the westerly winds, making it difficult to predict its path.
Strong winds are expected to start blowing in the area from tomorrow.
I hope that no major disasters will occur.

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Words of a bulletin board 91

2024-08-03 | shrine and temple


China Aster


This time, words of a bulletin board is

”Ryoukan's one-liner precept"

Too many wodrs

Too quick to speak ?

Speak noisily

Say something that hasn't been asked

butt in on one's conversation

Talk back

Speak before the other person has finished saying what they want to say.


By the way, I was given a pamphlet like this some time ago.

I reflect on myself and feel ashamed.

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Walking in early morning

2024-08-02 | diary




      According to the Japanese calendar, autumn starts five days later.

A long time ago, when we heard the arrival of autumn, we would say, "It's gotten so much cooler in the morning and evening."

In reality, the heatwave continues, and I can't go outside even in the evening, let alone during the day.

So I have stopped walking.

I'm worried my body will become weak.

This morning, I woke up earlier than usual, so I decided to go for a walk for the first time in a while.

I was drenched in sweat when I got home.

But it was much more comfortable than an evening walk.

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The second emergency food supplies and after contracting COVID-19

2024-07-29 | diary

three sets


18 bottles 



The heatwave continues with temperatures at around 35 degrees Celsius.

It's too hot to go outside.

Please take care of yourself, everyone.


The expiration date of the emergency food I bought last time is approaching, so I bought some online.

Recently, abnormal weather has been getting more and more severe, and we don't know when or where a disaster will occur.

I wish the day will never come when we have to eat these food.

Three days' worth of food and water cost about 25,000 yen. 



It's been about 10 days since my husband got COVID-19.

He has almost recovered and is doing well.

It seems that his symptoms were mild.

I had heard that the virus was highly contagious, so I was very worried.

But I'm relieved that I'm safe and sound.

However, I think I must have inhaled the virus.

I wonder if it was an asymptomatic infection?

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2024-07-25 | diary


It seems that a new coronavirus mutant strain, "KP3" has been spreading recently.

It's  the 11th wave.

It's finally arrived in our home.

Last Saturday, my husband developed a fever, and complained of joint pain and a severe sore throat. 

I took a test with a test kit on Monday, and it showed two clear lines.

The symptoms subsided after about three days.

 Afraid of infection within the household, I started wearing masks, we slept and ate in separate rooms, and my husband was the last to bathe.

I'm counting down to six days since the onset of symptoms.

So far, I'm safe.

By the way, my husband has received the vaccine seven times, and I have never.

So it's even more frightening. 

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The thirty-second person

2024-07-24 | Kiva



The thirty-second person I lent $25 is a woman named Anita in  Liberia.

She is 41 years old and has 4 children.

She runs a retail business selling charcoal and other items.

She applied for a$725 loan from kiva to make more profits.

She wamts to have a bigger store in the future.

The repayment period is 11 months.

This is my page.

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2024-07-17 |  creature



        The other day, my grandson tried goldfish scooping at a festival.

He brought two tiny goldfish, but one fell out of the container and only one survived.

He said he wouldn't keep one at his house, so we decided to keep one at ours.

Now I am researching how to care for it.

The rainy season is almost over and the days are hot, but seeing the goldfish swimming in the bowl helps me forget the heat for a little while.

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Waxyleaf nightshade

2024-07-04 | plant


This is cool-looking flower and the name is lovely.



Waxyleaf nightshade in a neighbor's garden







This flower, which blooms quietly in a corner of the backyard in early summer, was planted by my late mother-in-law some time ago.

It doesn't grow very quickly but it was sometimes cut down by an amateur gardener.

I accidentally cut it with pruning shears the other day.

I was disappointed very much, so I cut it in two places and put them in a glass.

And to my delight, it grew roots, leaves, and even flowers bloomed.

It's a tough flower.

I'm going to plant it in a pot after a little whilel.

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Words of a bulletin board 90

2024-06-29 | shrine and temple



This time, words of a bulletin board is

”Everything is divine will."


According to Wikipedia

"Divine will" is used in two main ways.

One is "mission given by heaven," which means "the command of heaven or the heavenly emperor."

The other is "fate" or "destiny" that is beyond the power of humans, meaning a destiny or lifespan given by heaven.

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