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The twenty-fourth person

2021-06-24 | Kiva


  The 24th person is a 32 year-old woman with three children in Rwandan. 

Shantal has been selling fruits for ten years.

Her husband is a construction worker.

She wants to sell more mangoes, pineapples, avocados and passion fruits and increase her saving.

She also wants to have her own house by the profit.

So he applied for a loan to Kiva.

She needs 6000 dollars and payback period is 6 months.

I hope her business goes well.

*This is my page.

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Words of a bulletin board 64

2021-06-02 | shrine and temple



This time, words of a bulletin board is 

”Firefly that I want to catch will not come near, but mosquito that I don’t want to come near will come near.

And they bite me." 

These words seem to be one of the 'dodoitsu song'.

I know it for the first time.

We can't lead a life as we want to be.

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