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Chrysanthemum 2

2009-10-31 | plant

  There are many different kinds of chrysanthemums.
I can see different colors, sizes and shapes.
So I'll upload them for a little while from now on. 
The flower of middle of the pictures are blooming in my yard now and the others are seen while taking a walk.


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Chrysanthemum 1

2009-10-30 | plant

Da-ru-ma gi-ku (a kind of aster)

  The season of chrysanthemum has begun.
There are two national flowers in Japan, one is cherry blossoms and the other is chrysanthemum.
These flowers are loved by the Japanese people very much.
Though the flowers of the pictures aren't chrysanthemum, it's name includes  'chrysanthemum ; ki-ku', I uploaded these flowers too.

Japanese anemone (Shu-u-me-i-gi-ku) in the yard of my neighbor

Japanese anemone (Shu-u-me-i-gi-ku)  in my yard

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Red leaves

2009-10-29 | plant

  It was a comfortable fall day today.
The leaves of dogwoods in my yard turned red and the seeds of the tree also became red.
They attract the eye of wild birds.
We will be annoyed by the excrement of the birds that is dropped on the cars for some time.

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After the harvest

2009-10-27 | rice field (farming)

 Taking a walk in the evening, I saw these scenery.
After harvesting, farmers are drying rice plants  and roasting husks of rice.
They scatter them in the rice fields or vegetable fields to make good soil.



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2009-10-24 | weather

October 24

   I was able to enjoy beautiful sunset these days.
These are a few pictures of them.

October 22


October 21

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Almost finished

2009-10-22 | rice field (farming)

  Most of rice plants around my house and ours has been reaped.
Some kinds of agricultural machines and implements needed for harvesting had been  broken down, so my husband asked a farmer to harvest.   
He reaped them yesterday and today.
We will be able to eat delicious rice before long !

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Persimmon tree

2009-10-16 | plant

ripened persimmon

  Persimmon fruits at the backyard of my house are ripening.
We cut down the twigs that were growing high up last year.
So there aren't so many fruits at the top of the tree, but there are many on the twigs of the side of the tree.
By the way, this fruits taste so astringent that we make it dried fruits.
They are very delicious !


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Fall festival

2009-10-11 | diary

 We held a fall festival today and yesterday.
The shrine near my house was crowded with many people yesterday evening.
They prayed for good harvest, good health, good luck and so on.
Kagura ; Sacrid(Shinto) music and dance was dedicated to the god of the shrine yesterday night.
Portable shrine for children was seen yesterday and for adult was seen today.


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2009-10-06 | rice field (farming)

 It's the beginning of harvest now.
Rice plants grew well and the farmers began to harvest them.
This beautiful scenery will disappear before long.
Now typhoon no.18 is in the south of  Japan and it may attack Japanese island .
Farmers are worrying about it because the rain and wind may give damage to rice plants.
It will make harvesting difficult.




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Japanese bush clover

2009-10-02 | plant

  Hagi ; Japanese bush clover is one of the 'seven plants in fall' .
The red one is blooming in my yard and the white one is at the side of the path along which I take a walk every day.
This flower isn't so gorgeous but it is one of the symbols of fall in Japan.





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