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O-ka-da ha-i-ji

2005-06-29 | scenery
This is 'O-ka-da ha-i-ji'.

It is one of the historical sites.
It is said there was a temple here about 1300 years ago.

As I don't know about it at all, I took this picture.
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Proverb 44

2005-06-29 | proverb

Health is better than wealth.

 If we are in good health, we can do anything we want.
 So please be fine !!

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Old tree

2005-06-28 | plant
It's very hot today too.

If I take a nap under the tree like this, I will be able to sleep well and feel good !!

Old tree at 'O-ka-da ha-i-ji'
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Fu-ku ya-ma

2005-06-27 | scenery

  It was very hot today.
The highest temperature in Okayama was 35.8  degrees.

The hill in the picture is Fu-ku-ya-ma which altitude is 302 meters high.
It isn't so high, so lots of people climb there.
And it is one of the most popular hills around here.




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Lotus flower

2005-06-25 | plant

I could see some lotus flowers in the pond.

They will  be in full bloom early morning.


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Sunset 19:07

2005-06-25 | weather

It was very hot today.

I went for a walk with my digital camera in the evening and took this picture.

During my walk, I often meet someone whom I seldom see.
This evening too, I saw one of my acquaintance who was also taking a walk and we enjoyed chatting for a while.

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Rice field

2005-06-24 | rice field (farming)
In spite of shortage of water, rice-plant is growing well.
Every day, farmers are watching their fields very carefully in order to fill every rice-field with water.
It is needed for a while.

This picture is taken today.
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2005-06-24 | plant

Corn is growing up in Shizusan's vegetable field now.
They are about 150 centimeters high.
We can't eat them yet, but crows and Asian racoon sometimes come to the field to eat before the harvest.
So we must cover them with something lest they should eat them.

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2005-06-23 | others
The owner of the shop made this beautiful miniature kimono;(u-chi-ka-ke) by hand and sells it.

I went to a small tea room full of Japanese atmosphere on my way from a photo exhibition yesterday afternoon.
I enjoyed delicious coffee and these wonderful goods very much.

These are some of them.

'Shi-ga-ra-ki ya-ki' that is the owner's favorite are also sold there.

The left one is old Japanese heater;(ko-ta-tsu) and the right one is a spinning wheel;(i-to-gu-ru-ma).
In my childhood, we use 'ko-ta-tsu' putting between the 'fu-to-n', so fires sometimes broke out.

Heavy wooden table and a bench
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Na-i-su-ka-cchi ;(ナイス蚊っち)

2005-06-22 | new product

Thanks to Miss Minatsuki, I could get this product.

Reading this article, I ordered this instrument named  ナイス蚊っち the other day.
The one which I wanted was running out of stock when I ordered, so I ordered this one.
In a few days, it was sent to me.
Shizusan who likes new things was also very interested in it and tried using it.

I will be able to kill mosquitoes, flies, spiders and so on with this 'nice kacchi' from now on.

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Proverb 43

2005-06-22 | proverb



Fortune favors the brave.


If we are in the same condition, the goddess of fortune seems to cheer for the strong or the brave person.
So let's have a confidence, strength, or bravery to win something!!


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The summer solstice;(ge-shi)

2005-06-21 | weather


Today is the summer solstice.
The period of the daytime is the longest in the year.
Though the day will become shorter and shorter from tomorrow , the temperature will become hotter and hotter till the end of August.

The hot summer is  just around the corner!!







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2005-06-19 | plant

   I found sunflowers blooming in Shizusan's vegetable field.

They bloom in the summer sunshine strongly, so they give us an energetic impression

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Vegetable with umbrella

2005-06-18 | scenery
My friend is growing many kinds of vegetables.
These umbrellas are above the tomatoes and cucumbers.
She put them lest it should rain which would give harm  to these plants.
But it seldom rains these days.

In spite of a little rain, they are growing day by day.
She will be able to eat them before long.


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' Ga-de-n i-n-su-i '

2005-06-17 | rice field (farming)

The surface of the fields looks green because of duckweed.

 In spite of the rainy season, it rains little these days .
In this district, there is no big river .
farmers fill their rice-fields with water from some ponds and the brooks.
But the amount of  water is very small and they sometimes fight because of the scramble for water.

Perhaps Japanese saying ’Ga-de-n i-n-su-i' came from this problem.

Now they are longing for rain!!

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