Let's enjoy English !


Once a week

2013-08-23 | family


 My grandson 'Mitchi' is about 7 months old now and growing healthy. 

Her mother visits my house with him once a week.

Every time I see him, he is changing and nowadays he tries to stand by catching something.

And he began to sit and crawl.  

I'm astonished by a baby's growth.

He is drinking boiled water with a toy with straw. 


under a nap

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Hot days

2013-08-09 | weather


Green curtain of Balsam pear or Bitter melon

 It's autumn on a calendar in Japan.

But it's very hot these days.

Lots of people suffer from heatstroke and are taken to a hospital by an ambulance.

I hear some died.  

This weather seems to continue till August 20.

Please take care !

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The paper lantern for the Bon Festival

2013-08-03 | diary


 Bon Festival is from August 13 to August 16.

Souls of our ancestors come back from heaven to our house during this period.

We set an altar to welcome the souls of them. 

I set it earlier than usual because this year's Bon Festival is the first one for my mother-in-law Shizusan.

We light the paper lantern from July 31 to August 31 for Shizusan for three years from her death.

The light of lantern leads her soul to our house.

We were presented some of the lanterns from her brothers, so there are many lanterns like this. 

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