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After harvest

2006-10-29 | rice field (farming)
We see these scenery in the rice fields now.
The rice harvest this year wasn't so rich as last year.
But my husband is satisfied with the amount of the harvest.
After harvest, a dairy farmer near here are drying the rice plants for feeding the cows.
These plants will be piled up before long.

Click change !
Rice plants now
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2006-10-25 | plant
These are fruits of persimmon trees.
We are growing two kinds of persimmon trees.
One bears sweet fruits and the other astringent(sour) fruits.
Both of these trees ripened lots of fruits this year !

Please click these pictures !
Sweet persimmon
These are sweet ones.

astringent persimmon<br>
These are astringent ones.

It's too bitter to eat this kind of persimmon, so we dry them after peeling or neutralizing the bitter of the persimmon with the dry ice or alcohol.
Then they become very sweet and delicious.

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Autumn tint

2006-10-23 | plant

 The leaves of various trees began to turn red or yellow.
There are two Dogwoods in my yard.
One is the tree whose flowers are red and another white.

The picture above is the one whose flowers are red.

This tree is the one whose flowers are white.
Though the leaves of this tree haven't turned red yet, the red seeds look very nice in the autumn blue sky.

We enjoy pretty flowers in spring and red leaves in fall !


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2006-10-20 | plant

Se-i-ta-ka a-wa-da-chi so-u

We see these weeds now.
Though the yellow color of Se-i-ta-ka a-wa-da-chi so-u is so beautiful, we hate this plants very much.
It causes hay fever and it's fertility is too strong.

These pretty flowers are a kind of No-gi-ku.

These are I-nu-ta-de or A-ka-ma-n-ma.

These scenery make me feel relieved !


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Proverb 105

2006-10-18 | proverb

Tree of tangerine

 A new broom sweeps clean.

It means that a new person is ardent to the reform. 
So they often  make workers of the company move from a section to another  so as to change the atmosphere or the feeling, for instance.


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Ho-u-ki so-u

2006-10-14 | plant
Now this plant called Ho-u-ki so-u turned red.
We can eat 'To-n-bu-ri'; the seed of this plant.
When it is similar to caviare, we call it 'caviare of the field'.
And we can use the plant as a broom after they withered.

Click change !
Ho-u-ki so-u
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2006-10-12 | rice field (farming)
The scenery around my house has changed very much because of harvesting rice.
Golden rice plants had been cut down during these few days.

Click change !
Rice plant

My husband are also harvesting rice.
So we are busy carrying paddies from the rice field to my house with a car.
I feel the weakness of my muscle when I carry the bag which is filled with paddies.
It weighs about 20kg to 30kg.
After that, we put the paddies into drying machine.
So I am tired !

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Niko Online Album

2006-10-09 | others
Flowers of Buckwheat ; 'So-ba-no-ha-na'

I went mini-cycling yesterday afternoon because it's very fine and felt good.
I hear that cycling is also good for our health as well as walking.
It is effective to make 'Cho-u--you-kin' which is an important muscle for walking strong.
Looking at the rural scenery, I enjoyed the cycling very much, though I had sometimes to stop to take pictures.
Riding in the wind was very comfortable.

These are the pictures I took yesterday.

I tried uploading them by using Nikon Online Album.

Please click this picture !


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Harvest moon at midautaumn

2006-10-06 | weather
This is the 'harvest moon at midautumn' at 20:08.

It was windy today and it's cloudy in the evening.
In spite of the weather, I managed to see the full moon at midautumn tonight.
The moon is shining beautifully in the night autumn sky.
But sometimes, it is covered by the cloud.

Please click on the picture ! Moon in the evening sky at 18:05
These are the pictures of the moon taken at 17:59 and 18:05.
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Before the harvest

2006-10-04 | rice field (farming)
The picture above was taken on September 29.

Farmers began to harvest rice plants.
I hear the sound of harvesting-machine from somewhere.
They say the crop situation this year is 96% to 98% here in O-ka-ya-ma because of the shortage of sunshine.
We can eat fresh rice before long.

Please click these pictures !

Rice field on October 3
Rice field on October 3

Rice field on September 30

Rice field on September 16
Rice field on September 16

Rice field on September 9
Rice field on September 9
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Photo soft

2006-10-01 | others

The other day, I found a convenient photo soft named 'Yahoo! photo desk top.'
I used the tool to make a picture above.
I use a soft called 'Google picasa2'.
It is very useful and I like it too.
So I am hesitating which soft to be used.

Taking a walk, I found these cosmoses breezing in the wind.

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