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A cat of my house.

2004-06-27 | animal
We have a white cat named Yuki.
When she came to my house, she was as white as snow.
So I named her Yuki.
After she grew her baby, she ran away from home for about three years. Perhaps she didn't like to live with her little cat.
One very hot summer day, I found her near my house.
She has been at my house since then.
Now she is 19 years old.
If she is a woman, she may be over 90 years old.
Now she doesn't catch any mice, sparrows and so on.
Almost all day except for eating, she is sleeping.
I hope she lives as long as possible.

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Cactus Flower

2004-06-20 | plant
This flower blooms only one day.

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Typhoon No.6 is coming near.

2004-06-20 | weather
A big typhoon no.6 is coming near. It will come here tomorrow. It is very humid and hot today.
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