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2004-09-30 |  creature
There was a 'ladybug' or a 'ladybird' on the leaf of begonia.

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After typhoon no.21

2004-09-30 | weather
It's fine today but・・・

Typhoon no.21 gave much damage again.
As you know, some people have died and many are seriously injured.
And many houses and bridges are flooded or broken.

Natural disastars are really fearful!!

The weather today is strange.
This summer was too hot and it rained too much at a time like the one of tropical regions.

What is happening to the earth ???

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Proverb 5

2004-09-29 | proverb
Everybody's business is nobody's business.

It means everyone should have a sense of responsibility if he or she is not to be blamed for that.

This is a significant remark especially for the government officials these days in Japan.

The flower is 'aster' or 'e-zo-gi-ku' in Japanese.
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Harvest moon

2004-09-29 | diary
Last night was the fifteenth night and FULL MOON or HARVEST MOON.
It is the most beautiful moon of the year.

But regrettably, it was cloudy in this district.
I couldn't see the moon at all.

These are 'tsu-ki-mi-da-n-go' or rice cakes offerd to the moon.
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An accident

2004-09-28 | diary
Yesterday afternoon, about 90 year-old rider of a bike fell down near my house.

His bike went wild and fell about 2 meters below of the path.
Luckily he didn't hurt at all.
So he came to my house asking for a help on foot. When my husand I went there, a few people also came to help.

After pulling up the bike with some ropes, he rode it again and went home.
My husband I also drove to his house to make sure of his getting home safely.

We didn't know what happened to him.

In the evening, he calld to thank us.

The picture is stepping stones in my yard.
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Praying mantis

2004-09-28 |  creature
I saw a praying mantis on the passage way when I was cleanig the passage.

After taking a picture of this, I made it free.
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Rice field

2004-09-27 | rice field (farming)
Rice plant will be harvested soon.

It was very hot during summer, we will have good harest.

This picture was taken on September 25.
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2004-09-27 | plant
Taking a walk for a dog, I found these grasses.

The leaves are like a three-leaved clover.
I thought what beautiful grasses they were !

Later I knew they were flowers named 'oxalis.'
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Persimmon tree

2004-09-26 | plant
Persimons are becomming yellow thses days.

These are astringent juice of the persimmons and sweet ones.
We can eat before long.

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Gecko on the window

2004-09-26 |  creature
Every summer some 'geckoes' or 'house lizards' come on the windows in the kitchen.

Though its belly is white and , the back is black and looks grotesque a little.

They catch very little bugs during the summer season.

I enjoy watching them.
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Seed of Chousen Asagao

2004-09-25 | plant
These green balls are seeds of 'Cho-u-se-n A-sa-ga-o.'
They are very poisonous.

The white flower of the picture is 'Cho-u-se-n A-sa- gao'
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2004-09-25 |  creature
In the yard, a spider is waiting for a quarry at the center of cobweb.
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My favorite singer

2004-09-24 | diary
The flower is 'gerbera.'

Masashi Sada is one of the most favorite singer song writers.

His melodies are beautiful and the words of the song are like poetry.
I am always moved to hear his songs.

His tallent is excellent and I regard him as a poet.
There are important messages in his songs.

I missed the TV program of 'Tetsuko no heya' on which Masashi Sada appeared yesterday.
Today he appeared there again so I watched it.
His talk is always fun and today's also was a pleasant one.
I enjoyed watching the program very much.

He holds a charity concert at Nagasaki every summer and I watch it on TV.
This year too, I am looking for watching it.
But I missed it because I didn't know when to watch.

Perhaps the Olympic Games kept me from watching it.
I am very sorry.

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Congratulations !

2004-09-23 | diary
The flower is 'moth orchid'; 'ko-chyo-u-ra-n' in Japanese.

My friend's daughter and son each got married.
I went to my friend's house to give a wedding present this morning.

I looked at the pictures of the wedding there.
Her daughter is cute and son handsome.
Both couples were very charming and they looked happy.

Today is 'da-i-a-n'.
We make it a rule to bring a present on the morning of 'da-i-a-n';'lucky or propitious day.'
Doing so, we wish their leading a happy lives.

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Bee on the flower

2004-09-23 |  creature
A bee gathering honey was on the flower of 'be-ko-ni-a'.
I see few bees these days.
They seem to be preparing for passing the winter now.

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