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Sign of spring

2006-02-25 | plant



 Spring is around the corner.
We can see the signs of spring around us.
This picture of Butter-bur sprout;(Fu-ki-no-to-u)is one of them.

This is the picture taken on February 2.

And this one was taken today.

I ate mi-so soup with some butterbur sprout yesterday.
I felt the scent of spring.

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TV set

2006-02-23 | new product

  We bought this TV set about a week ago, because the TV set which was in Shizusan's room broke down.

At first I was going to buy a small cheap one.
But according to the clerk of the TV shop, we won't be able to see any program by the cheap TV after
Ground-based digital broadcasting begins.
So we bought this one though it cost high.

There are five TV sets in my house now, so it will cost lots of money if we buy new ones.

What shall I do ?



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Proverb 76

2006-02-22 | proverb

Gardenia;Cape jasmine(Ku-chi-na-shi)

 Blood is thicker than water.

However friendly we are, we rely on our relatives when something very important or urgent occurs .
Any other person won't be able to defeat the relatives.



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Feeling sad !

2006-02-20 | e-trade

 The price of the stocks have been very low since Livedoor shock though it became high once at the beginning of February.
The prices today are very low and all my stocks are lower than yesterday.
So I lost much money, but I have a hope of their prices becoming higher sooner or later. 

Trading stocks is risky as well as exciting!

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At Mr. Nozaki's residence (no.4)

2006-02-16 | diary

Ko-u-ba-i and Ro-u-ba-i

Beautiful stone wall

Kitchen equipment at that time

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Another Mr. Nozaki's belongings(no.3)

2006-02-15 | diary

Rock salt from Poland that weighs about 1.5 tons

Mr. Nozaki was a 'Salt Magnate', so there are some exhibits about the history of  the way of making salt.
These are some of them.

Crown and Seven gods of good fortune made of salt

Ship and lamp made of salt

Flowing type device for making salt



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Hina dolls at old residence of Mr.Nozaki (no.2)

2006-02-14 | diary

Many kinds of Hina Dolls  are exhibited at one of the storehouses.
I saw a pair of very old hina dolls; 'Kyo-u-ho bi-na' which were presented by Okayama feudal lord .
I'm sorry I missed taking a picture of it.
But I could take pictures of other old dolls.
These are some of them.

We call these dolls 'i-chi-ma-tsu ni-n-gyo-u’


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Old residence of Mr.Nozaki ( no.1)

2006-02-13 | diary

 Yesterday I went to an old residence of Buzaemon Nozaki  who made great deal of money by making salt in Edo period.
He is called 'Salt Magnate'.
The wonderful Japanese style house is very large, and has nice garden,  some
storehouses and so on.
It show us the way of living at that time.

Japanese style room

Small house for tea ceremony


To be continued.


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An icicle

2006-02-10 | weather

It's cold these days !

I found this icicle under the faucet of water.
Water dripping from the faucet froze during the night.   

It melted away soon in the sunshine.

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Proverb 75

2006-02-08 | proverb

 Art is long, and time is fleeting.

As 'Time flies like an arrow', we will become old soon.
But the research of study needs long time, so we must study as hard as possible.


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The snowscape

2006-02-07 | scenery

It stopped snowing last night and I woke up to find this wonderful snowscape.

The rice fields were covered with snow a little and I saw the sky with these thin clouds.


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2006-02-06 | weather

 It's cold today too and it has been snowing since this afternoon.
This snowfall is the second time this winter.

We should be careful next morning, as the road will be icy and slippy.     


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Evening sky

2006-02-05 | weather

Though calendrical spring;(Ri-shu-n) has came, it's very cold today.
It's snowed heavily at Nigata district and it is said  the snowfall reached four meters.
It also snowed three centimeters in Hachijo island after an interval of 60 years.

I took these pictures around 5 o'clock in the evening.


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Dried radish

2006-02-04 | food

Dried radish 06 2/3

Shizusan made dried radish.

First she peeled off the skin of the radish.
Next she put them in the hot water.
And they were hung like this picture.

06  1/18

About two weeks later, these radish were dried like the picture above .
We cut them into pieces and cook them .

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Rolled sushi

2006-02-03 | food

Today is Se-tsu-bu-n, before the first day of spring.

We have a habit of scattering parched beans, shouting
Out with the demon and in with the fortune !'

And recently we eat rolled sushi without cutting, facing toward a lucky direction of this year without saying anything.

The south-southeast is the lucky direction of this  year.

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