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Waxyleaf nightshade

2024-07-04 | plant


This is cool-looking flower and the name is lovely.



Waxyleaf nightshade in a neighbor's garden







This flower, which blooms quietly in a corner of the backyard in early summer, was planted by my late mother-in-law some time ago.

It doesn't grow very quickly but it was sometimes cut down by an amateur gardener.

I accidentally cut it with pruning shears the other day.

I was disappointed very much, so I cut it in two places and put them in a glass.

And to my delight, it grew roots, leaves, and even flowers bloomed.

It's a tough flower.

I'm going to plant it in a pot after a little whilel.

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pumpukins from spilled seeds

2023-08-04 | plant



pumpkin flowers and fruits


 There are a few garbage bins in my backyard and we throw all garbage into them.

Compost is made by mixing rice bran and soil and we dry it.

We sometimes take out the compost from the garbage bin and bring it to the field.

This time, pumpkins began to grow from the site, and flowers bloomed and fruited.

Well, will they grow into a delicious pumpkin...I'm looking forward to eating it.

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Flowers in the garden

2023-06-18 | plant









These flowers are blooming in my garden now.

 They are flowers that remind me of early summer.

Cosmos is also growing .

I sowed the seeds of cosmos the year before last. 

My neighbor said "Dont grow cosmos.", but I don't know the reason.

Now I know the reason.

There are many seedlings all around.

If I leave them as they are,  it will be a big problem.

So, I pulled out half of them yesterday. 

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Strong plant

2023-06-16 | plant

mandarin orange


Hassaku orange

I planted mandarin orange, Hassaku orange and Sudachi in my vegetable garden about two and a half years ago.

They managed to grow during the next year.

But Sudachi was withered the year before last, mandarin orange last year, and Hassaku this year. 

The new fresh leaves were eaten by insects.

Today, I found mandarin orange and Hassaku sprouts in the in the weeds.

I was surprised a little.

The fields planted with flowers, vegetables and these trees are covered with grasses.

I couldn't catch up with pulling out these grasses, so I cut them with a sickle.

I was happy to find these treasures.

I want them to overcome the heat of this summer and keep growing until they bear fruits.

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Herbertia (Chilean Iris)

2021-05-19 | plant

in the pot

on the ground

on the ground


The seeds of Chilean Iris came to my house all the way from Kagoshima prefecture 14 years ago. 

My blog friend sent this seed to me.

This flower is very cute but it blooms only half a day.

It is weak in the cold weather in winter.

But it began to grow and increase on the ground too, so I'm looking forward to see the flower bloom one after another. 

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Unusual bamboo

2019-05-29 | plant



 flowers of bamboo ?


While I was taking a walk, I found unusual bamboos.

Surprisingly they looked brown.

A person said "After flowers of  bamboo bloomed, they wither up."

So I searched the fact by using an internet.

* The cycle of bamboo is from 60 years to 120 years and after the flowers bloom, all  bamboos lose their vigor and wither.

*Flowers of bamboo are seen all over Japan this year.

*They say it is an unlucky sign, but it isn't right. Seeds of bamboos will grow after that.

*It will take 10 years or 20 years to grow new bamboos.


Other bamboos seem to be turning yellow or brown.

I will observe them carefully.

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Harbertia on the ground

2019-05-23 | plant

at the ground


in the pot


Harbertia that I have grown for more than ten years began to bloom.

This flower is sensitive to the cold in winter, so I  have grown it only in the pot.

Surprisingly I happened to find the flower on the ground this year.

Some seeds might have  fallen on the ground and grew up. 

I hope more flowers would bloom next year.

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What's this ?

2018-09-18 | plant


  I grow this rubber tree for a long time and I found something strange on the twig.

It seems flowers of this plant.

This is the first time I saw them.

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2018-05-13 | plant



Herbertia began to bloom.

This flower is sensitive to the cold, so I keep it indoor in winter.

Being accustomed to the coldness and coming to like lawn, this flower will look prettier. 

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Queen of the Night

2017-10-06 | plant



 This Queen of the Night bloomed the day before yesterday.

It was very beautiful under the harvest moon.

This is the third time that the flower bloomed in this season.

I had missed seeing them so I saw it for the first time in this season. 

It begins to bloom in the evening and becomes in full bloom at midnight.

It withers in the next morning.

Scent of this flower is very good.

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2017-05-16 | plant

my flower

my neighbor's flower

I was presented the seeds of this flower from my net friend in Kagoshima about ten years ago.

After about four years later, it began to bloom every year.

I found a flower this morning.

The flower of my neighbor to whom I gave some seeds are also blooming.

They are very pretty, but the life is shorter than cherry blossoms.

It only blooms only for a day, but they bloom one after another.

So I can enjoy the flower for some time.

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Butterbur sprout and Ume blossoms

2016-03-01 | plant




 Time flies like an arrow.

It's March 1.

It's very cold today like midwinter.

But natural world tells us coming of early spring and I see butterbur sprout, pink and red Ume blossoms here and there. 

By the way everyone in my home are safe for now, flu which were prevailing all over Japan seems to be dropping little by little. 

According to the TV news, Emperor Akihito also has A flu now.

I wish his early recovery.

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2016-02-02 | plant


Tomorrow is the day before the beginning of spring on lunar calendar.

We call the day 'Ri-sshyu-n'.

February 4 is the first day of spring on the calendar.

Hearing of the word, I feel the coming of spring. 

The days are becoming longer and longer and the sunshine is becoming stronger and stronger.

But the cold day will  continue for about a month.

Orchid is blooming prior to spring in my house.  

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Chrysanthemum at a zen-temple

2015-11-09 | plant




It is a season of chrysanthemum now.

I see beautiful flowers of chrysanthemum that were grown by a supporter of the temple.

He presents these flowers every year.

I took these pictures November 1, so little yellow flowers are more beautiful now.

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Brilliant flower

2015-11-03 | plant



  Brilliant flowers attracted my attention during my walking.

I asked the name of the flower to the woman who planted this flower.

She told me that it is 'Dan giku', but it was not correct because the color and the shape of the flower are different from the flower.

 I wonder what is the name of this flower.

Does anyone know it ?

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