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The season of love

2008-03-30 | animal

 I saw some swallows flying the other day.
They came back from the south safely and began to make nests here and there.
There are some at the entrance of my house, so I can hear the twittering of the birds.
I wish they could grow their baby birds safely this year too !

  Taking a walk, I sometimes see some pairs of cats.
I sometimes see a tomcat mewing loudly seeking for his partner. 
his pair was sitting silently in the grass field.



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Cherry blossom

2008-03-28 | plant
The season of cherry blossoms began !
They are in full bloom in Tokyo now.
We will be able to see beautiful flowers here in Okayama before long too.

These cherry blossoms bloomed about a week ago.
This is a kind of cherry tree that bears cherries.

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2008-03-27 | plant
Camellia is one of the flowers that Japanese people like.
There are some kinds of them and I saw this pink one at the temple where the flowers of white magnolia are blooming now.

The flowers of the picture above were near the the temple.

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2008-03-26 | plant
Flowers of magnolia began to bloom at a temple named 'O-da-i-shi sa-ma' near my house.
There are two kinds of magnolia.
White one is blooming now and after that red purple one seems to bloom.

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Flowers in the field

2008-03-24 | plant
Taking a walk along the country path, I see various kinds of pretty flowers in the field these days.
These are some of them.

Plese click this picture !
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Visiting a grave

2008-03-20 | diary

Trumpet daffodil

  Today is a middle day of a equinoctial week and the length of the day and night is the same.
We call the week 'O-hi-ga-n' and we visit the grave of our ancestors.
I also visited my parents' grave and offered rice, water, flowers and incense sticks.
It's very windy today, so I couldn't burn the incense sticks.
After that I prayed for a while.

By the way, there is a saying in Japan 'A-tsu-sa sa-mu-sa mo hi-ga-n ma-de' ; 'The heat and cold will never last after the equinoctial week '.
So we'll be able to spend  comfortable days for a while from now !




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Full bloom

2008-03-18 | plant
Spring has come at last.
Taking a walk today, I was attracted to the beauty of this flower.
I don't know the name of this tree clearly but it may be plum tree.

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Calendula; (Fu-yu-shi-ra-zu)

2008-03-13 | plant
It's warm and sunny in the morning.
These tiny flowers named Calendula;(Fu-yu-shi-ra-zu) were blooming under the sun and looked very gorgeous.
I saw them by the vegetable field of my neighbor.

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Scenery in early spring

2008-03-09 | scenery

It's warm today.
Walking along the hill road, I enjoyed early spring color like this picture.
Red, pink and white flowers on the tree began to bloom.

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Application for a present (プレゼント応募)

2008-03-05 | others

 butterbur sprout

  Congratulations on  fourth anniversary of goo blog !

Thanks to this blog, I'm enjoying blog life very much. 

I'll apply for this 39 present. 


②どちらのプレゼントがほしいか・・・デジタル一眼レフ Nikon D40 レンズキット

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2008-03-02 | weather


 It's warm today.
This is today's evening sky.
While I was taking a walk, I could see beautiful sunset like this.
It sank behind the mountain soon.



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