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Words of a bulletin board 90

2024-06-29 | shrine and temple



This time, words of a bulletin board is

”Everything is divine will."


According to Wikipedia

"Divine will" is used in two main ways.

One is "mission given by heaven," which means "the command of heaven or the heavenly emperor."

The other is "fate" or "destiny" that is beyond the power of humans, meaning a destiny or lifespan given by heaven.

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Words of a bulletin board 89

2024-06-02 | shrine and temple



This time, words of a bulletin board is

”Even if people don't see or know what you do, be sincere."

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Words of a bulletin board 88

2024-05-09 | shrine and temple

 German iris

This time, words of a bulletin board is


”You shouldn't suffer from delusionals.

       Listen, arrange, communicate.”


In Zen, "baku mouso" is pronounced as ``maku mozo".

It means ``Don't be delusional'' or ``Don't think about unnecessary things.''

"Delusion'' refers to fantasizing, erroneous opinions, and thinking that something that is not true is true.

"Maku mozo"means "Don't get caught up in thoughts, feelings, or delusions of the heart.''

It means that in order to attain enlightenment, one must abandon the mind of thinking and discriminating.

I am far from enlightened and am being swayed by "delusions" every day.

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Words of a bulletin board 87

2024-03-28 | shrine and temple


Christmas rose


This time, words of a bulletin board is


“In a heart of gratitude

               Flowers bloom

in a heart of discontent

            Flowers fall.''

A heart of gratitude is important.

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Words of a bulletin board 86

2023-12-01 | shrine and temple

 Gorgeous chrysanthemums grown with great care by Danka ”believers at the temple” are displayed in front of the main hall this year too.







This time, words of a bulletin board is


"Extreme way of thinking is not good

Please cherish unbiased thinking."

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Daituji in fall 

2023-11-29 | shrine and temple





part of a lock garden


main gate 


Sunday, November 26th

I went to Daituji, an ancient temple of Soto sect in Yakage, to see a giant ginko.

It is also famous for being a ``Prefecturally Designated Scenic Garden'' on the north side of the Shoin.

On that day, we only admired the ginkgo tree in front of the main hall.

The yellow carpet (which looks like it would be difficult to clean) and the large ginkgo tree against the blue sky were very beautiful.

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Words of a bulletin board 85

2023-11-01 | shrine and temple

Japanese anemone


This time, words of a bulletin board is


“Bigin with ’ABC’ and end with 'ABC'. 

We shoudn't forget that."

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Words of a bulletin board 84

2023-10-03 | shrine and temple

rice and  spider lily



This time, words of a bulletin board is


" Devotion (diligence),   from now,   from here

from what we can do"

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Words of a bulletin board 83

2023-09-01 | shrine and temple

cotton rosemallow



This time, words of a bulletin board is

”be generous or big hearted”

Another words "be laid back"

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Words of a bulletin board 82

2023-08-01 | shrine and temple


This time, words of a bulletin board is

”You are just right

         as you are.”

I uploaded the original poem of the words on this blog on July 10, so I thought Iwould skip these words this time.

But I uploaded these words as the eighty-second words of a bulletin board.

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just right

2023-07-10 | shrine and temple

This poem was on a leaflet I recieved from a monk on the other day.


"You are all right as you are.

 Your face, body ,name and surname are perfect for you.

Poverty and richness, your parents and your children, your son's wife and your grandchildren,

they are all perfect for you.

Happiness, misfortune, joy and even sadness are just right.

The life you led is neither nad nor good.

It's good for you. 

If you go to hell or go to paradice, the place you go is just right.

You don't need to be conceited, no need to be condescending.

There is neither above nor below.

Even the date of your death is just right.

Your life with Buddha can't be exactly bad.  


It seemed that this poem is the work of Ryokan, but in fact Mitsuji Fujiba, a monk of Otani denomination in Ishikaw Prefecture wrote it about 30 years


I was moved to read this poem, so I uploaded it.


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Words of a bulletin board 81

2023-06-28 | shrine and temple


This time, words of a bulletin board is


”Doctors look for bad place in a body

I want to be a person who tries to find a person's good point"

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Words of a bulletin board 80

2023-04-25 | shrine and temple

2023 Hanamatsuri(Kanbutsu-e)


This time, words of a bulletin board is

"If you forgive everything,

                                 you will feel at ease."

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Words of a bulletin board 79

2023-02-10 | shrine and temple



This time, words of a bulletin board is

"Don't work too much, don't bring to naught, don't be lazy.

Walk step by step with dignity"

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Words of a bulletin board 78

2022-12-29 | shrine and temple

flowering kale


This time, words of a bulletin board is

"calm or gentle"

New year is coming soon, and I'm thinking deeply about these words.

I hope you will have a "calm" year both in public and private.

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