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Christmas rose

2010-02-25 | plant
The season of Christmas rose has come.
The purple one is blooming in my yard and the white one is along the fence of my neighbor.
Taking pictures of this flower is difficult because they are blooming downward.

Mouse on !


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Ume blossoms in full bloom

2010-02-17 | plant

  Taking a walk, I found a pink tree as if it were a tree of cherry blossoms.
It seems to be a kind of ume blossoms.
The pink color brings the atmosphere of early spring.


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2010-02-13 | diary
Mouse on !


More than forty years have passed since my house was built and the corridor of toilet began to break.
So we had been walking there very carefully.
The other day, we had the floor renewed at last.
Now I can walk on the floor without paying attention.
Besides I feel smell of Japanese cypress.
I thank for the good job !
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Date with my friends

2010-02-07 | diary

Please click this picture !

  I went to Okayama to celebrate my friend's recovery from the illness yesterday.
She had her thyroid gland operated 
 last November and she gets well now.
So we had lunch at a Chinese restaurant on second floor of RE NAIS SANCE.
The lunch was delicious and the chat with my friends was so enjoyable.

After lunch, we went to The Okayama Prefectural Museum of are to appreciate many treasure of the Hapusuburugu in Austria.
They are holding an exhibition from January 26 to February 21 and great many people were enjoying the treasure there.   

It was a very cold day but my heart became warm to see my friends and enjoy the treasure.


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Words of a bulletin board 10

2010-02-04 | shrine and temple

Ume blossoms of the zen temple

  Today is 'the first day of spring' according to the calendar.
But it was a very cold day and I feel as if I were in the refrigerator.
In the evening, I went for a walk as usual and I felt warm after the walk.

While taking a walk, I found a bulletin board whose words were newly written by the gate of a zen temple.

The meaning of the words is ' Everyone looks good when he(she) is young. Everyone(someone?) becomes beautiful when he(she) gets old .' 

Will I be able to become a beautiful woman ! 


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Painful days / Shizusan

2010-02-01 | diary

  Japanese apricot with red blossoms

  Flowers of Japanese apricot began to bloom these days.
This red one makes my mind bright and I feel the coming of spring.

Please click this picture !

  By the way, I have been busy taking care of my mother-in-law ( Shizusan)  who is sick in bed for about a week.
She has been having a heavy pain in the lower back.
Her spine seems to be fractured by the pressure as is often the case in her age.
Her bone must be in the situation of osteoporosis. 
She is putting a corset around her waist and takes a tablet of painkiller. 
I wish her sooner recovery ! 

* She became 90 years old on January 29.
♪ Happy birthday to Shizusan  ♪♪ 

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