Let's enjoy English !


Christmas illuminations

2010-12-23 | scenery

Christmas is comming near and I found splendid Christmas illuminations near my house.
Owner of this house sets this illuminations every year.
They are so beautiful and many people enjoy them every year.

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Calender presented by the temple

2010-12-22 | shrine and temple
This is a calender of 2011 presented by our zen temple.
The priest of the temple writes the words one by one every year.
The words this year is 'master' in English.
There seem to be two masters of our own heart and this 'master' means original, pure master that always watches another master. 
If we value this master of our own and is conscious of it, we will be able to lead a better life.
The zen words are difficult to understand, but they have deep meanings in it.

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Flower of loquat  

2010-12-19 | plant

Taking a walk, I see flowers of loquat.
White flowers are very cute.
These flowers will delicious fruits in May or 

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Space to relax

2010-12-12 | diary

I went to Kurashiki Central Hospital to see my relative the day before yesterday.
New building under construction was completed and some other buildings are being renewed now.
I saw some spaces to relax here and there.
The sick people in the hospital can relax for a short while there.
The hospital are becoming bigger and better, but it is the last place that I want to go if possible .

These are some pictures of the space.
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Giant tree and a little shrine

2010-12-02 | shrine and temple

This is a historical site called O-ka-da ha-i-ji ;  ruined temple of Okada .
There seemed to have been a temple about 1300 years ago.
Some tiles found at this place showed it was built at Ha-ku-ho-u era.
This little shrine and a hut were newly built recently by the village people.
And this tall tree at this site is splendid.

*These are my articles of this site that I wrote before.
Please click and click !

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