Let's enjoy English !


Words of a bulletin board 22

2014-04-13 | shrine and temple

Words of a bulletin board at a zen temple was renewed.

It means " Don't be panicked. Don't hurry."

We should gaze at ourselves firmly without caring only about the surroundings.

And we should live our lives carefully and carry out things one by one.


Japanese kerria ; Japanese rose

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It's fun !

2014-04-05 | family

April 3 (Thursday)

  This is my first walking at my grandparent's yard.

The sun is shining and very warm today.

I see many flowers in the yard.

Spring has come ! 

I'll walk along an alley.

Stop !

Once I began to walk, I can't stop walking.

What's this ?

And what's that ?


Is it delicious ?

I'll try it.

I can see swallows too.

I had a very good time !  

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