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Kinako ran away from home.

2019-11-27 | animal

He is relaxing in the box.


 his favorite cat tower


 He loves this place.


 But he ran away this morning while my daughter was opening the front door.


 We found him in the field.


A storeroom is being searched.   

He looks somewhat sturdy in the field. 

We couldn't catch him and he disappeared again.

We hope his returning home.

By the way, my daughter was becoming very nervous as this cat often urinated on the sofa or futon.

Now she is relieved a little.

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My name is Kinako

2019-11-23 | animal

My name is Kinako




  About two weeks have passed since Kinako came to this house.

He is frightening a little yet.

While having food, he looks back again and again.

But he sometimes relaxes in the living room.

we can touch him too.

A cat tower will be delivered to his house soon.

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New face

2019-11-15 | animal


  My niece gave this kitty to my daughter's family.

Although it was a homeless cat, she tamed it.

At first it scared very much and it sat still between the furniture and the wall.

But it began to appear in the living room these several days.

Their house is very new, so they are worrying about the cat's nail sharpening on the wall or tatami.

The loveliness of the cat will permit that.


 This is also a homeless cat in the neighborhood.

Someone gives food to it every day.

 Even if I get close to it, it doesn't run away.

I often see it, so it is my friend. 

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Dissolution of the warehouse 3

2019-11-14 | diary

 November 11th Monday

They cleaned these pieces of woods and dirt .

It rained during the night, so they could escaped from the dust a little.



 November 10th Sunday

 Two men came to my house from the senior human resource center in the morning and pruned the trees that was not done on the previous day.

They finished before noon.

My garden became nice. 

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Dissolution of the warehouse 2

2019-11-13 | diary


 November 9th Saturday

After  removing roofing tiles, they broke down the warehouse by using heavy industry machinery. 

They captured three viper or poisonous snake there.     



Two men came to prune trees of our garden on that day from senior human resource center.

Another man came around noon.

 About four or five men came every year.

They seemed to be very busy this year.

So  they couldn't finish our all trees.

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Dissolution of the warehouse

2019-11-12 | diary



  This warehouse was built about 110 years ago.

Outer walls began to fall down, the roof leaks when it rains and the floors began to go through.

So we decided to break the warehouse down.

First, they began to remove roofing tiles on 8 November.

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New template

2019-11-03 | diary

Japanese toad lily

   Recently I realized some goo bloger's template are different from mine.

Goo blog seems to have renewed the blog. 

In March 2019, they commemorate 15th anniversary of goo blog and they started some new services.

The template is one of them.

So I also changed my template from old one to new one "flat template".

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