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Evening sky

2007-11-29 | weather
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It's cloudy today but I could see the sinking sun for a short while in the evening.

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A day-trip to Kyoto 3

2007-11-25 | diary
In the late afternoon, we headed for 'Shi-n-nyo-do' which was the last destination.
We strolled in precincts of the temple where I saw many nice red leaves.
If the sun had been shining, they would have been much more beautiful.

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Though the places where red leaves were beautiful were crowded with people, I enjoyed the trip very much !
I left my house early in the morning and got to my house at midnight, so it was a long day !

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A day-trip to Kyoto 2

2007-11-25 | diary
After having lunch at a hotel around two o'clock, we headed for a temple called 'E-i-ka-n-do' which is also famous for splendid red leaves.
The red and yellow leaves were so wonderful under the autumn sun and I was satisfied with them very much.
I could also enjoy an exhibition of the Buddhist's images, the folding screens and so on at the temple.

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A day-trip to Kyoto 1

2007-11-25 | diary
Red leaves

I went to a day-trip to Kyoto by bus the day before yesterday.
There were numerous people everywhere in Kyoto because it's the best season for viewing autumn leaves.
The first place we visited was a zen temple named 'To-fu-ku-ji' which is famous for wonderful red leaves.
I'm sorry but I couldn't enjoy the red leaves well because of the too much people.

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Yellow leaves

2007-11-21 | plant
This ginkgo tree is at 'Yakushi shrine (temple?)' near my house.
The leaves have turned yellow and they are very beautiful to see.
Under the tree, Buddhist saint called 'Jizou bosatsu' that guard children stands calmly.

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Red leaves

2007-11-21 | plant
It's cold these days.
The leaves of the tree have turned red or yellow.
I see these red leaves while taking a walk near my house.
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Five-Storied Pagoda

2007-11-13 | shrine and temple
Five-Storied Pagoda at a temple named 'Ko-ku-bu-n-ji'

This five-storied pagoda is at 'Ko-ku-bu-n-ji'.
This temple named 'Ko-ku-bu-n-ji' is one of the temples that was built to defend people from the natural disaster and famine in 741 by Emperor Shomu.
It is said that the temple was burnt down in the south north age , so it was rebuilt after middle term of Edo period.
And this five-storied pagoda which is specified for national important cultural properties was built around 1844.
The style of this tower is a typical one of the latter term of the Edo period.
The scenery here is so beautiful in spring and autumn that the Japanese famous artist Ikuo Hirayam painted wonderful paintings.

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Visiting a park

2007-11-07 | scenery
Chinese-style park

The other day, I visited a park named 'Ma-ki-bi ko-u-e-n';(Ma-ki-bi park) which was named after Ki-bi-no-ma-ki-bi who was a great politician as well as a scholar of Nara era.
He was born at this area and visited China as one of the Japanese envoys to Tang Dynasty China twice.
After he came back to Japan, he took an important role.
So they built a Chinese-style park commemorating him.

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Material pavilion

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Rural scenery in autumn

2007-11-02 | scenery

 The scenery around my house is filled with autumn color.

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