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'Mouse on' tag

2006-11-29 | others
The seeds of Se-n-ryo became red.
The contrast between red and green is like a Christmas color.
We use this plant for a flower arrangement of New Year too.

Mouse on !


I'm very happy to find this mouse on tag !

Because I couldn't use the tag I used to use after Goo strengthened the security on September 13.
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Honey bee

2006-11-26 |  creature

 I happened to see an an eighty-six year old man I know well while walking the other day.
He keeps lots of honey bees in his vegetable field and  was preparing  the bees to pass the winter then.

He opened the box to show me the nests of honeybees.
Lots of bees were flying and sometimes stung his hands and face in spite of wearing a hat with a net. 
But it's all right for him as he is used to be stung.

It was the first time I saw the nest of  honeybees.
Honey seemed to be delicious !  

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Secret of taking photographs

2006-11-25 | diary

I learned about the way of taking good pictures on a TV program; 'Se-i-ka-tsu ho-tto mo-o-ni-n-gu' yesterday.
Mr.Nobuyosho Araki who is a famous man known as 'a genius photographer'.
He said as follows.

1 Taking pictures is the same an interviewing.
2 Zoom in on not using a lens but yourself.
3 Push the shutter before hesitating.
4 Love the subject.

Taking pictures, I'll make these four points my motto.

And I read an article of ' Photo therapy' on the Asahi Newspaper on November 22.
It said that taking pictures and looking at them will give good influence to our mind.
We'll become finer by photos.

In fact, taking picture gives me a pleasure.

Let's take pictures !

Click change !
Fallen leaves

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2006-11-23 | weather

These are the pictures of sunset on November 21.

Click change !

06 11/21

Yesterday was 'syo-u-se-tsu' that is one of the 24 seasonal datum points in in Japan.
It is the time when it begins to snow.
In fact it snowed in Hokkaido today.
According to the weather forecast, it'll be much colder than yesterday all over Japan today.

It's the beginning of cold winter !

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Radish and Black soybean

2006-11-21 | food
Farmers are drying radishes by hanging on 'Ha-de-gi' before they make pickles of radish.

Click change !
Black soubeans

These are plants of soybean that are also hung on 'Ha-de-gi'.
After they become dry ones, farmers pat them with a tool and take beans out of the sheath.
And they select good beans from bad ones.

This black soybeans are indispensable for our special dish for the New Year holidays in Japan !

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2006-11-19 | plant
Various kinds of chrysanthemum
Pink I saw many beautiful chrysanthemums blooming in the vegetable field of my acquaintance the other day.

The color of these flowers is so nice !
This white one is blooming in my yard now.White
Violet We call this one 'Daruma kiku' in Japanese.
They began to wither now.
These are also blooming in my yard now.
Yellow This one was in the vegetable field of my acquaintance too.
The color of bright pink is so nice.Pink
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2006-11-16 | diary

The leaves of dogwoods in my yard have turned red.
I planted these trees about ten years ago.
I've never seen such a beautiful red leaves as this till this year because they fell down to the ground before turning red.
I see many buds that will bloom next spring as well as beautiful red seeds.
They are already preparing for the next spring !

Click change !
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Viewing autumn leaves

2006-11-13 | diary
The leaves of the tree are turning red and yellow now.
I went sightseeing to Ta-i-sha-ku-kyo and Sa-n-da-n-kyo in Hi-ro-shi-ma prefecture yesterday.
It was my first visit there.

Ta-i-sha-ku-kyo is one of the semi-national parks and we see deep gorges there.
It is one of the five most beautiful gorges in Japan.
The natural stone bridge called 'O-n-ba-shi' is a natural monument in Japan and is one of the three biggest bridge in the world.
Ta-i-sha-ku-kyo extends to the south north about as much as 20km.

Sa-n-da-n-kyo is also a beautiful gorge along 'Shi-ba-ki river' that is source of 'O-o-ta river'.
The total length is 13km and we see various waterfalls, pools, and cliffs along the river.
The place is a special place of scenic beauty in Japan.

I walked about 4km at Ta-i-sya-ku-kyo and 6km at Sa-n-da-n-kyo.
My legs aren't so strong that the walking made me tired a little.
But walking in the forest filled with ozone refreshed me !

Please click this picture !
You'll see other pictures of this sightseeing.

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Rain after a long time

2006-11-11 | weather
Click change !
Sky at 16:46

It's rainy in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon today.
There were lightning and thunders last night and the rainfall made the farmers glad.
It's unusual to have thunderstorm in this season.
But the plants and flowers must have been satisfied with the rainfall.
It is said that it's windy like a storm and cold northern part of Japan.
Here in Okayama prefecture, it became cold in the afternoon.

The clouds in the picture was running fast.

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My space

2006-11-09 | diary

 Sunset at 17:01

Social networking service named 'My space' started their service in Japan the day before yesterday.
This networking service is very popular and number of registered users is the largest in the world.
Though I had heard about SNS the other day on TV, I didn't have a concern to it so much.
But I read about it on this article today, and I had an interest to it.
On reading the article, I also registered to it.
There are many many networking services today, what will become of them in the near future !

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Husk of rice paddy

2006-11-06 | rice field (farming)

  These are husks of rice paddy.

After removing husk of rice paddy, we scatter them in the vegetable field or rice field. 

We sometimes roast them to kill tiny insect or bacillus in the hull.
While roasting, we used to put some sweet potatoes into the hulls to make roast sweet potato.

They have turned into charcoal now.

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2006-11-04 | others

【☆*☆Good Evening☆*☆】>c=(oゝv・)ノ

Sending e-mails, younger generation nowadays use the emoticons very well.
I haven't use them because I didn't know how to use them.


Today I was shown the way of using them by a blogger.
She said that I should check  IME tool on the task menu of the PC for that.
So I tried and tried and I managed to succeed with using them.
This is the first time I use the emoticon.

I didn't like using the emoticons till I read
this article by a blogger who I respect very much.

But now, I'm glad to be able to use this function.


I'll increase the number of emoticons that I use little by little.

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2006-11-01 | plant

Taking a walk the other day, I saw Sasanqua blooming in the yard of a house.
So I took this picture from under the tree.
he color of pink is very cute. 

I'm looking forward to  seeing various winter flowers from now on !

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