Let's enjoy English !



2009-01-28 | diary


My aunt- in-law moved to a hospice from a hospital today.
She have a cancer in bile duct. 
The disease was found in September last year, but she had got well by some treatment.
And she got worse at the beginning of this month and went to a hospital again.
A notice about her condition was necessary to go to a hospice.
So the doctor informed her that the disease would never get well.
In fact life left for her is very short.
This notice must be a hard one for 88 year-old woman.
I wonder if she really wants to know about her disease or not.
If she had moved to a usual hospital, she hadn't  have known the truth. 
I don't know it good or bad to inform the truth to the old like her. Anyway this is a difficult problem.

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Cold days

2009-01-25 | diary

Buds of plum blossoms

  It is very cold these days.

So influenza and cold are going around all over Japan.
It is said that new kind of flu virus to which special medicine for flu doesn't work came out.  
It's fearful, isn't it ?
They say gargling, washing hands, good meal and rest are important to avoid flu.
And it is also said that the person who has a flu should wear a mask.

By the way I have a cold now. 
I sometimes cough, and have sore throat and running nose, but is getting better little by little.
So I was lucky enough to go to an election of the assembly member of the city council to vote before noon.

Please take care !


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Visiting a shrine

2009-01-20 | shrine and temple
Ki-bi-tsu shrine

I visited a shrine the day before yesterday.
The roof of the main building had been being renewed and it was finished last September.
So the buildings were so nice !
The roof is to be renewed every fifty years.

These long stone steps lead to a main main shrine.
I was surprised to see many many paper lantern.

Mouse on !


The lot number was 1 and it showed large good luck.
This year might be a nice one for me !

There were many votive pictures wishing for passing for entrance examination.

Long corridor was also very beautiful.

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Pepaiment 6

2009-01-17 | Kiva


 About eight months have passed since I registered in Kiva.
And seven months have passed since I lent $ 25 to Miss grace who is running a grocery store in Ghana.
She is planning to repay all the money in seven months.
Today I found her sixth repayment in her page of Kiva.
Total repaid so far is  86% of my loan.
 is my page.

Her business seems to be working well !

*Please read this !

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Icy morning

2009-01-14 | weather

frost on the leaves

  It was very cold this morning and I could see white frost here and there.

icicle at the faucet

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2009-01-08 | plant


 Flower of Sasanqua is one of the signs of winter.
By the way, t
here are two kinds of Sasanqua.
One is red and the other is white.
White one has been blooming since last November, but red one began to bloom recently.


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New Year

2009-01-03 | diary


A Happy New Year !

May this year be a happy and peace one for all of you.


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