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Repayment (Mrs.Vilma Musa)

2010-06-28 | Kiva


Mrs. Vilma Musa
is the fourth person I loaned my money through Kiva.
I loaned her $25 through Kiva in April.
She borrowed $1,050 from 35 persons and she planned to repay all the money in eight month.
Now she has already repaid 41% of the money.
So her business seemed to be going well.

*She is 50 years old and a house wife with two children living in Philippines. 

She is managing her own food-processing business while also managing direct-selling business and a tube- ice business. 
She wants to help her husband so that their family can have a better life and she wants to provide good education for her children.
I hope her business continue to grow ! 

*This is my page.

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Nejibana ; Mojizuri

2010-06-27 | plant

It's in the midst of rainy season and it was a very sultry day today. 
But I went out for a walk in the evening and found a pretty flowers among the weeds along the footpath beside the rice field.
I see this flower called Nejibana every year at the same place.
I was happy to see this flower this year too.

I could find a cute frog on the grass.

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Scenery in the evening

2010-06-24 | scenery

What do you think this is ?
It is a scenery seen from my house in the evening.
Only thing I can see is some all-night lights reflecting to the surface of  the rice fields along the footpath.
Only sound I can hear is the sounds of many frogs.
Especially the weird sound of a bullfrog which appeared a few weeks ago is very great.
They are very noisy, but at the same time I feel the silence at night.

sunset this evening 

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Should we use H.N. on the Internet ?

2010-06-18 | diary


I've been a fan of
this blog for a few years and I respect him very much.
this article this morning, I've been thinking about the problem of using a handle name on the Web site.
In the world of the Internet, using a H.N. is a common sense.
But he says that we should use real name in the world of the Web too.
It is an ideal if we could use a real name there.
But I'm wondering if I should use H.N. or not, and I haven't had an answer for that yet.

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Rice fields in the evening

2010-06-13 | scenery

It is a rainy day today.
Rainy season has already begun  in the south part of Japan, so the season will begin in this area soon.
It was a fine day yesterday and I could see beautiful scenery like this.
Evening sunlight reflecting on the surface of rice fields filled was so nice.

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Planting rice plants

2010-06-12 | rice field (farming)

Sound of engine was heard from early in the morning around my house these days.
Farmers were planting rice plants here and there.
My husband also began to plant them on June 10 and finished it today.
Now frogs are singing their songs in the rice fields happily.

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Preparation for planting

2010-06-09 | rice field (farming)

Water from the pond began to fill the rice fields and farmers are busy in preparing for planting rice plants.
My husband also stirred our rice fields filled with water with the machine yesterday.

Stirring the rice fields, many swallows were flying over the rice field to catch tiny insects or worms.
They are also busy in feeding their baby birds.


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After two weeks

2010-06-05 | rice field (farming)

My husband put the young rice plant outside the barn May 29.
It was eleven days after sowing seed paddies.
I took these pictures June 2, fifteen days had passed since sowing seed paddies.
They are growing well.
My husband will plant them to rice fields after a few days.

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Words of a bulletin board 11

2010-06-01 | shrine and temple

This is a bulletin board at a zen temple near my house.
The meaning of these words are as follows.

  The look of a man seems to be formed by the attitude of him or her.  
  If he is avaricious, he looks greedy.
  If he is always angry, he looks evil.
  If he is always complaining about something, he looks  dissatisfied.

So we should be careful not to have a bad face.


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