Let's enjoy English !



2012-05-18 | plant

Chi-ri A-ya-me


  I was presented the seeds of this flower from a net friend living in Kagoshima five years ago.

And I was growing it waiting for the flower, but I couldn't see the flower till today.

I was looking forward to seeing the flower so long, so I'm very glad to see it today.

I sent a message to him about this flower.

He must be glad to know it ! 

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Lion dance 2012

2012-05-13 | shrine and temple



  I heard the sound of  drums and a fife from somewhere this morning.

A group of lion dance called 'I-se da-i-ka-gu-ra' came and were dancing the lion dance in front of the house who requested to dance to purify their house by the dance.

They came to my house before noon and gave the amulets.

After that they danced in the yard of my house praying for good health and good luck in this year.

This event tells us the coming of early summer.




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Shizu san is in a hospital

2012-05-10 | diary

iris japonica

  My mother-in-law, 92 years old Shizu san has been in a hospital since April 24 because of heart failure.

A seasonal change influenced her health.

Her face became bloated and she was short of breath.

After about two weeks hospitalization, she recovered and  got well.

My husband and I visit the hospital every day in turn.

She will leave the hospital at the end of this month if her condition is better.

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