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Words of a bulletin board 19

2013-09-17 | shrine and temple


Words of a bulletin board at a zen temple was renewed.

"If we want too much and become greedy, our way of life may change and we will not be able to live rightly."

In Zen Words, "Sho-u yo-ku chi-so-ku or Ta-ru wo shi-ru."

It means we should not want too much but be sufficient and be rich in mind.

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Little by little

2013-09-13 | family

  My grandson who recently began to crawl found his grandparent.


He is trying to go there.


It's difficult for him to crawl smoothly yet.


Well, here goes !


He managed to be here !

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Cactus flower

2013-09-01 | plant


 I've been taking care of this plant for a very long time.

I wonder how long will it grow.

Though the shape of this cactus is very strange, its flower is very cute.



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