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Spring flower in fall

2009-11-28 | plant

Thunberg's meadowsweet

  It has been warm this fall though it began to cold a little from this afternoon.
So I see some kinds of spring flower here and there.
Leaves of Thunberg's meadowsweet in my yard are turning red, but it  has some white flowers now.
It is strange a little.
Perhaps it is because of the warmth of this season.

Flower of a weed



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Visit to a zen temple

2009-11-23 | diary

It was a warm day today, so I went sightseeing to a zen temple whose Japanese style garden is so wonderful.
The name of the temple is 'Daituu zen ji' that was built in 1760.
Beauty of red leaves and yellow leaves moved me very much as well as its garden.
Besides the temple itself was so splendid.

After that I went to Yakage.
I went to old inn ; 'Honjin where Atsuhime also seemed to have stayed during the trip to Edo.

These are the pictures.

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Visit to Fukiya

2009-11-17 | diary

  After we enjoyed the fine arts, I went to Fukiya where Hirokane residence that was built about 200 years ago and Nishie residence that was built about 300 yeas ago stand. 
Hirokane residence was used for movie location of Yokomizo Seishi's 'Yatsuhaka mura' and Nishie residence was for 'Tsuri baka nisshi'.
Both Mr. Horokane and Mr. Nishie made big money by running the factory of making Bengara.
Bengara is a kind of dark red paint made from iron oxide.
In Fukiya, the color of the houses is dark red of Bengara.
And I went to a very old elementary school that was built 100 yeas ago too.

These are the pictures !

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Visiting an art museum

2009-11-16 | diary

  I visited Nariwa Museum in Takahashi city yesterday.
It was a special exhibition because Takahashi city has five- year anniversary of the city.
This museum was opened in 1953 to honor a famous artist Kojima Torajiro who was born there.
This building was designed by a world famous architect Ando Tadao and newly built as the third building in 1994.  
This time they exhibit many works by very famous artists ; Yokoyama Taikan, Kawai Gyokudo, Kawabata Ryushi , Kuroda seiki, Hisida Syunso, Takeuchi Seiho ,Uemura Shouien and so on.
Tokyo Fuji art museum cooperates this exhibition and many works were brought from the museum now. 
By the way, I can't understand the art so much, but I enjoyed the nice works a little.
And I bought some post cards and shikishi (a square piece of  paper drawn a picture on)
  as souvenirs.

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Words of a bulletin board 9

2009-11-13 | shrine and temple
I found the words of a bulletin board at a zen temple had been changed yesterday.
Three months have passed since the last one.
The meaning of the words is ' don't be angry, don't be arrogant, don't be hasty, don't be depressed, don't give in ; be cautious to these feelings.'
I'd like to lead my life with these words in mind though it is difficult.

mouse on !


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Chrysanthemum 5

2009-11-11 | plant

  These three kinds of chrysanthemums were also at a zen temple.
Exhibition of chrysanthemums are hold here and there in fall in Japan and we see this kind of flower necessarily.


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Chrysanthemum 4

2009-11-10 | plant

  It has been raining since this afternoon.
But these chrysanthemums make my mind light !
I saw these flowers at the front yard of a house when I was taking a walk the other day.



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Scenery of rice field

2009-11-06 | rice field (farming)

 I like this beautiful scenery of the rice fields after harvest.
A dairy farmer needs these rice plants for their cow, so they are drying them like this.
After drying, they will pile up them.

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Chrysanthemum 3

2009-11-04 | Yokomizo Seishi

  These are chrysanthemums seen at a zen temple named 'Se-n-ko-uj-i' near my house.
One of the supporters of this zen temple  presented these flowers.
By the way, this temple appears in the mystery ; ' Go-ku-mo-n-to-u' written by Yokomizo Seishi who is one of the most famous mystery writers in Japan. 
They are holding an event called 'Mystery Walk' now and this temple is in the course, so many people visit this temple.
So these flowers must be happy too !


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Clean and safe

2009-11-01 | new product

  About five months have passed since we began to use electric water heater that make use of midnight power.
And about three weeks have passed since we began to use IH cooking heater.
As for electric water heater, a kerosene boiler broke down after using it for a very long time.
And as for IH cooking heater, it is because of my mother-in-law Shiausan.
We had been using a propane gas stove till then, but it was very dangerous for aged Shizusan to use.
As a result we are using only electric power now.
We call this system ' All electrification' and it is said that the fee is cheaper than before.
The power of IH cooking heater is stronger than propane gas stove and it is very easy to clean as well, so I'm very satisfied with it.
But it is too difficult for Shizusn to use, so she can't use it.
To tell the truth, it is good for her.
Because her heart pace maker might do bad to her heart if she use the heater.

Our way of life is changing little by little !

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