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Red leaves

2013-11-27 | plant

red leaves at the yard of Nimi art museum.

red leaves at Kusama area in Nimi 

red leaves near my house


  It's late autumn now and the temperature is very low, so the leaves of trees turned yellow or red beautifully.

After these leaves fall to the ground, cold winter comes.


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The operation by YAG laser

2013-11-22 | diary


  I went to a hospital yesterday afternoon.

About 2 years have passed since my operation on my  right eye.

It is going well, but a little problem happened.

I couldn't see well as before by secondary cataract, so my doctor  used YAG laser to treat my right eye.
It took for a few minutes to use the laser and I felt no pain.

I can see the world very clear today !
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Words of a bulletin board 20

2013-11-20 | shrine and temple


Words of a bulletin board at a zen temple was renewed.

It means " Things will become as it will be.

Don't worry. " by Ikkyu zenji : a famous Zen priest called Ikkyu san.

 In a song ’Que sera sera’',  they sing it as 'Whatever Will Be, Will Be'

If we can think of everything like this, we will be able to send a life more freely and more easily because our mind will not be caught by anything. 




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Indian summer

2013-11-16 | weather

 It was a warm day today.

Cold winter is around the corner and we will have very cold days, so I was glad to have an Indian summer.

I was very comfortable today.

I like autumn the best in a year, but the weather like today seem to be very short this year.

Japan had had four seasons for a long period, but it seem to have two seasons without spring and autumn recently.

The weather in Japan is changing !

The leaves around  us began to turn red or yellow.

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A unique priest

2013-11-08 | shrine and temple

  Yesterday afternoon, I went to a hall that is at Mabi-town to attend a meeting held by the Soto sect in Okayama.

First we had a chair meditation of Zen Buddhism for about twenty minutes to settle down our heart.

The hall was very very quiet and silent during the event.

After that,  we had a very good time listening to a lecture by a priest of Ko-yo-ji in Kumamoto.

He is a very good guitarist and a singer as well.  

He belonged to a light music club during college days.

He is a preacher of the zen sect and the style of talk was like Ki-mi-ma-ro who is popular now.

He talked about the importance of life and said we should thank to everyone.

We all laughed and laughed.

Last we sang a song by him together. 

It was a pleasant meeting and we enjoyed very much.

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