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Japanese style garden

2007-05-28 | diary

O-ka-ya-ma castle (U jyo) 


   Yesterday I went to O-ka-ya-ma ko-ra-ku-e-n which is one of Japanese three noted gardens; Ka-i-ra-ku-e-n in Mi-to, Ke-n-ro-ku-e-n in  Ka-na-za-wa and Ko-u-ra-ku-e-n in O-ka-ya-ma.

Well -kept fresh green lawn was so beautiful.

This house is called 'E-n-yo-te-i'  where 'Sa-stu-ki' began to bloom.
The contrast between red and green was very nice !





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Flower of persimmon

2007-05-25 | plant

Persimmon tree

  Flower of persimmon began to bloom in my backyard.
There are two kinds of the tree.
One is
astringent persimmon and another sweet one.
They bear many fruits in fall every year.

Flower of astringent  persimmon tree

Flower of sweet  persimmon tree

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At the vegetable field

2007-05-21 | plant
Plants of corn

These vegetable flowers are now blooming in the vegetable field.
I can see a fruit of pumpkin under the yellow flower.

Mouse on ! 'Flowers of potato'


Mouse on ! 'Flower of pumpkin'

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2007-05-16 | weather

It has been raining since this evening.
Farmers are glad, because it hasn't rained so much these days and the vegetable fields were dry.
Plants in the field must be glad too.

By the way, rainy season has started in Okinawa district today.

Mouse on ! 'Calla lily'

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Pink flower

2007-05-14 | plant
'Hi-ru-sa-ki tsu-ki-mi-so-u';(Evening primrose that bloom during the day)
are now in full bloom.
They are in the weeds by the country lane.
The pink color attracted my attention.

Mouse on !

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Lion dance

2007-05-13 | shrine and temple
Yesterday morning I heard the sound of pipe, drum and bell from somewhere.
I knew it was a lion dance called 'I-se da-i-ka-gu-ra' that visit here at this time of the year.

It is specified as country important specification and formless folk customs cultural asset.

They walk to house to house and dance to music to purify the house and hope for our health and happiness.

This is one of the anual evennt.

Mouse on !


Mouse on ! 'Talisman'

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2007-05-10 | plant

Various kinds of Iris are blooming now. 

We name them 'Sya-ga, A-ya-me, Ka-ki-tsu-ba-ta, Ha-na-syo-bu and so on' in Japanese.

It is difficult to say the difference between A-ya-me and Ka-ki-tsu-ba-ta .
So we say 'I-zu-re ga A-ya-me ka Ka-ki-tsu-ba-ta ' in Japanese.



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The first day of summer

2007-05-06 | weather
Evening scenery on May 4

Today is one of the 24 seasonal datum points called ''Ri-kka'; the first day of summer.  
We will have a fine days for some time from now.

And it was the last day of long holidays called 'Golden week' in Japan,
but it was rainy all day.
So it wasn't a good day for the people who go somewhere.

These flowers called 'Hi-ru-sa-ki tsu-ki-mi-so-u';(Evening primrose that bloom during the day) are blooming beautifully now.
Mouse on !

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Summer is around the corner.

2007-05-02 | diary
Eighty-eight days have passed since the first day of spring.
We call this day '88th night' in Japan.
It is said that if we drink fresh green tea today, we will be able to live longer.
And frost won't fall in this season, so farmers become busy in farming from now.

Mouse on !

Strawberry field near my house
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