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Queen of the Night (Dutchman's pipe cactus)

2011-07-27 | plant

  Queen of the Night bloomed the day before yesterday.

This flower becomes in full bloom late at night and it withers early in the morning.

I was looking forward to enjoying this flower that morning, but I forgot about it.

And late at night I remembered about this flower.

I was about to miss this flower.

When I went out of the house to see them, two flowers were in full bloom in the dark.

They were blooming so beautifully with nice fragrance.



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Shift to digital broadcasting

2011-07-24 | diary


  Today was a day of "Shift to digital broadcasting " in the television field. 

The analog broadcasting that continued for 58 years was finished at noon , but three prefectures (Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima where the damage of the earthquake was large) were excluded, and it was shifted to the digital broadcasting completely. 

By the way, there seem to be persons who stop watching  television on this occasion.

The way of life is changing little by little.


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Typhoon No.6

2011-07-19 | weather

  Very big and strong typhoon no.6  is in the south of Shikoku island and going toward east now.

Heavy rain and wind gave much damage especially in Shikoku island.

According to the weather forecast, It'll rain much in Kanto area from now.

They should be careful.

Rain and wind didn't so heavy here in Okayama.

I'm relieved a little.



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Hot days

2011-07-15 | weather

  It's the hottest season in Japan now and it's very hot these days.

Many people were carried to the hospital because of heat disorder.

Taking a walk, I passed by this pond and saw some lotus flowers. 

This view made me cool a little.



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Summer has come !

2011-07-09 | weather

balloon flower

 Japan Meteorological Agency announced the end of rainy season almost all parts of Japan.

Here in Okayama, the beginning of summer was announced yesterday.

We'll have very hot days for about two months or so from now.

Saving of electricity is recommended because of the accident of nuclear plant in Fukushima.

But air conditioner is indispensable during hot summer days, it's a very difficult problem.

We should be careful not to be Heat Disorder. 

evening sky on July 8


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2011-07-03 | plant


 It's the season of hydrangea and I see various kinds of the flower here and there.

It looks more beautiful in the rain than under the sun.

Luckily it blooms in the rainy season in Japan and we can enjoy the flower in the rain. 

This flower changes its color, so we think of capricious person when we see the flower.






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