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Hina doll

2021-03-13 | Yokomizo Seishi





 Girl's Festival on March 3 had ended, but Hina dolls are exhibited at the Yokomizo Seishi's evacuation house now.

He is  a vary famous mystery writer and a great detective ,Kindaich Kousuke was made by him. 

I saw a TV program that introduced this event the other day, so I went there.

Many dolls are also displayed in the bamboo like Kaguya-hime and the atomosphere was very showy.

Sweet drink made from fermented rice was also served.

This event will be take place until April 3.

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Black tulips

2019-04-19 | Yokomizo Seishi


Black tulips in front of a flower garden of Seishi Yokomizo's evacuation home

Kindaichi Kousuke's fifth birthday party is held on April 21 in Sakura at Seishi Yokomizo's evacuation home.


"These are black tulips that are blooming in front of Masashi Yokomizo evacuation home in Kurashiki city at Okada.

About 500 flowers give us mysterious atomosphere and they charm  fans of Kindaichi and the visitors.

Black flowers are matched to Yokomizo's works and the people of  Tonami city in Toyama prefecture presented them and the people of managing the house took care of them carefully.

People of Tonami-city also wished for recovery from flood damage in Mabi-city.

Birthday party of a great detective, Kousuke Kindaichi is held at evacuation home on Sunday April 21.

A performance of a prefectural police band is played and a charity bazaar of Tonami product is opened.

And  food tents by a local resident are also held. 

Please come to the party.".....A person concerned to the party said.

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Zazen meeting

2013-02-14 | Yokomizo Seishi

An information from 「きんでーち(金田一)会」. 


「春の金田一耕助 誕生の日(4月24日)」を記念して、金田一耕助を楽しむ集い「きんでーち(金田一)会」は、2013年4月27日(土)、横溝正史の小説『獄門島』とゆかりの深い千光寺(倉敷市真備町岡田846)で『獄門島座禅の集い』を開きます。



※「春の金田一耕助 誕生の日」とは、戦争末期から3年余、倉敷市真備町岡田に疎開していた探偵作家横溝正史が、1946年(昭和21年)4月24日、連載執筆中の「本陣殺人事件」で新たな登場人物として金田一耕助を誕生させたと、「桜日記」に書き記していることに由来します。

日 時 2013427日()午後1半~3時半

場  倉敷市真備町岡田846   曹洞宗医王山千光寺   

主 催 金田一耕助を楽しむ集い「きんでーち(金田一)会」(086-221-2075)

Lecturer : a priest named Doyu Yamamoto

Title :      zazen meeting and a lecture about a mystery ' Gokimon tou' by Yokomizo Seishi. 

Time :      from 1:30p.m. to 3:30p.m  on Saturday on April 27

Place :      At a temple named Senkouji

Welcome to this meeting !

Anyone who is interested in this meeting can join it.

* Charge is free.


* Please ask Mr. Takao Yamazaki. 
        TEL. FAX 086-221-2075 
        E-mail yamasakit@hotmail.co.jp 

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Costume play in an event

2012-11-25 | Yokomizo Seishi

to a house of evacuation


'Let's walk around the place associated with Yokomuzo Seishi in costume of Kindaicho Kousuke'

Seishi was born in 1902 and the 110th anniversary is being held around the place he evacuated after the World War second about three years.

An event named 「巡る・金田一耕助の小道」 was held yesterday.

About 70 Kindaichi kousuke from all over Japan walked about 7 k.m. from Kiyone station to Kawabejyuku station wearing the costume of Kousuke yesterday afternoon.

I saw a child wearing the costume too.

This event began in 2009.

On the way, picture- card show and a short play introducing the life during his evacuation were played by the local people wearing the costume of Seishi's mystery.

around 濃茶大権現


to 'the history hall of Mabi' ; 真備ふるさと歴史館へ

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Regular meeting in November

2012-10-20 | Yokomizo Seishi


   Regular meeting named 'きんでーち(金田一)会' is held as follows.

Lecturer :  People who have some relationship with Yokomizo Seishi 

Title :       The whole family of the Yokomizo family 

Time :      from 1:30p.m. to 3:30p.m  on Saturday in November 3

Place :      public hall of Okada branch at Mabi-cho in Okayama prefecture

Welcome to this meeting !

Anyone who is interested in this meeting can join it.

* Charge is free.

* Please ask Mr. Takao Yamazaki. 
        TEL. FAX 086-221-2075 
        E-mail yamasakit@hotmail.co.jp 

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Regular meeting in October

2012-10-06 | Yokomizo Seishi

   Regular meeting named 'きんでーち(金田一)会' is held as follows.

Lecturer :  Maruoka Ritsuo (丸岡律夫)

Title :       About evacuation period of Yokomizo Seishi

Time :     from 1:30p.m. to 3:30p.m  on Saturday in October 6

Place :     Syouwa hall at Mabi ; (マビ昭和館)

Welcome to this meeting !

Anyone who is interested in this meeting can join it.

* Charge is free.

* Please ask Mr. Takao Yamazaki. 
        TEL. FAX 086-221-2075 
        E-mail yamasakit@hotmail.co.jp 

   Some Character images of Kousuke Kindaich who is a famous detective in the works of Yokomizo's mystery will be unveiled on September 29.

 After the event Yokomizo Seishi's son will give a lecture at public hall of Okada branch at Mabi-cho in Okayama prefecture.

 That day will be an exciting day !

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The unveiling ceremony of character images

2012-10-01 | Yokomizo Seishi

image of Yokomizo Seishi

The unveiling ceremony of character image of Yokomizo seishi and the characters of his mysteries were taken place the day before yesterday under the cloudy weather.

Seishi's eldest son Ryoichi Yokomizo also attended the ceremony.


the house from which his family had evacuated


Orin in the mystery of "Akuma no kemariuta"

Total of six bodies were set in this time.


Please click !


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Regular meeting in September

2012-09-01 | Yokomizo Seishi


  Regular meeting named 'きんでーち(金田一)会' is held as follows.

Lecturer :  Takao Yamasaki (山崎隆夫) ; an organizer of 'きんでーち(金田一)会' 

Title :       "The local newspaper comment of Masashi Yokomizo about a Te-i-gi-n incident etc." 「帝銀事件などについての横溝正史の地元新聞コメント」

Time :     from 1:30p.m. to 3:30p.m  on Saturday in September 1

Place :     public hall of Okada branch at Mabi-cho in Okayama prefecture
Welcome to this meeting !

Anyone who is interested in this meeting can join it.

* Charge is free.

* Please ask Mr. Takao Yamazaki. 
        TEL. FAX 086-221-2075 
        E-mail yamasakit@hotmail.co.jp 

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Regular meeting in August

2012-08-04 | Yokomizo Seishi

morning glory

 Regular meeting named 'きんでーち(金田一)会' is held as follows.

Lecturer :  Takeshi Kubo(久保豪) 
                He is studying about Yokomizo Seishi who is one of the great mystery writers in the world. 

Title :      Past and present of Seishi's birth place; around east Kawasaki-cho in  Kobe city " 「横溝正史の生誕地・神戸市東川崎町付近の今昔」 

Time :     from 1:30p.m. to 3:30p.m  on Saturday in August 4 

Place :     public hall of Okada branch at Mabi-cho in Okayama prefecture
Welcome to this meeting !

Anyone who is interested in this meeting can join it.

* Charge is free.

* Please ask Mr. Takao Yamazaki.
TEL. FAX 086-221-2075
E-mail yamasakit@hotmail.co.jp 

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Chrysanthemum 3

2009-11-04 | Yokomizo Seishi

  These are chrysanthemums seen at a zen temple named 'Se-n-ko-uj-i' near my house.
One of the supporters of this zen temple  presented these flowers.
By the way, this temple appears in the mystery ; ' Go-ku-mo-n-to-u' written by Yokomizo Seishi who is one of the most famous mystery writers in Japan. 
They are holding an event called 'Mystery Walk' now and this temple is in the course, so many people visit this temple.
So these flowers must be happy too !


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A house and a shrine

2004-10-19 | Yokomizo Seishi

This house and a shrine is famous though they seem to be nothing special.

The house is the place where one of the Japanese famous mystery writers, Yokomizo Seishi lived for three years after the World War second.
He was evacuated to the house and wrote his masterpieces there.

And this small shrine is famous for the name used in the mystery as Koichya no Baasan.

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