Let's enjoy English !



2007-04-28 | plant

Peonies are blooming under the dogwood in my yard.
Though white peonies haven't bloomed yet, red ones and pink ones are in full bloom now.

They are very gorgeous, so their is a saying in Japan.
'Ta-te-ba sya-ku-ya-ku su-wa-re-ba bo-ta-n, a-ru-ku su-ga-ta ha yu-ri-no-ha-na'.

They means that peony is so beautiful like a standing beautiful lady, another kind of peony is like a sitting lady and lily is like a walking lady.

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Laughing mountain

2007-04-23 | scenery
In late spring or early summer, new leaves began to come out at once.
And I feel the world filled with the energy of new life.
In Japan, we describe this scenery as 'Mountain is laughing'; 'Ya-ma wa-ra-u' in Japanese.

Anyway, it's a beautiful season now !

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Happy birthday

2007-04-21 | diary

 Today is my birthday.
I was born on a warm spring day like today.
And some beautiful flowers must have been blooming.
These flowers are also blooming beautifully now.


Cherry blossoms


I wish I could  lead a happy and fruitful life from now on !

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Tasteful words

2007-04-17 | shrine and temple


This is a bulletin board of a zen temple.

The words in the bulletin board means as follows.

It is natural that we can't lead our lives as we want to be.
We shouldn't envy  others nor despise ourselves.
Live your own life with dignity.

These are words that I want to have deep in mind !   

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Carp streamer

2007-04-13 | diary
May 5 is Ta-n-go-no-se-kku in Japan.
We celebrate the boys, wishing for good health and happiness on that day.
We know that there is a boy at the family to see the carp streamer.

They will be swimming in the blue sky till the festival.

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2007-04-09 | plant
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Flowers of tulip are also blooming in my yard now.
They open their petals in the morning and close in the evening.
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Flower and sky

2007-04-05 | scenery

About eighty- year-old doctor passed away suddenly last year, so nobody is in the clinic now.
But many cherry blossoms are blooming  beautifully at the backyard of the clinic.
The flowers are beautiful but I felt lonely.

 The rape blossoms are also pretty against the evening sky of spring.



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Cherry blossom

2007-04-04 | plant
At O-i-ke

At last cherry blossoms began to bloom here.
It was very cold today, and these flowers aren't in full bloom yet.

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At a temple named Ri-n-syo-ji

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2007-04-02 | weather

These days the sky looks cloudy owing to dust storm or very tiny grain of sand that is called 'Ko-u-sa' from Chinese continent.
I couldn't see the mountains far away clearly today.

Now is the season of cherry blossoms, so we want see them under the clear blue sky.
But we can't do anything about the phenomenon.

Taking a walk,  I saw this beautiful tree.
Though I don't know the name of this tree, white flowers are in full bloom now.


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