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Bamboo shoot

2011-04-24 | food

It's the season of bamboo shoot now.

One of my husband's relatives owns some bamboo grove and he presents us some bamboo shoots every year.

He gave us some bamboo shoots this year too.

 I boiled them with some rice bran for about an  hour and cooked for dinner this evening.

By the way, bamboo shoot seems to grow fewer than last year because of the weather.

I ate it for the first time in this season.

It was very delicious. 

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Pretty flowers on the country path

2011-04-19 | plant

After enjoying gorgeous cherry blossoms, I am enjoying pretty flowers blooming along the country path.

These are some of them.





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Cherry blossom 3

2011-04-10 | plant

It was very sunny today.

I went to a public hall nearby to elect assembly member of prefectural assembly in the afternoon.

After that I walked to Nishi Sono shrine to see cherry blossoms.

There were few people there.

The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, so I could enjoy the beauty of the blossoms  very much.

 These are the pictures.

 And this is the slide show  

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Cherry blossom 2 

2011-04-09 | plant

We Japanese have had many difficulties since the earthquake and tsunami on March 11.

And the problem of nuclear power plants in Fukushima hasn't been solved yet.

We can't lead a life with a calm mind yet.

By the way, cherry blossoms began to bloom.

My heart isn't calm now because of this flower that will scatter soon.

So I  took some pictures of the flower while I was taking a walk.

This year, these flowers also look sad a little. 

Please click !

These are the pictures.

This is a slide show.


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Can I ask a question ?

2011-04-02 | animal

  Three weeks have passed since the devastating earthquake.

And the accident of nuclear power plants in Fukushima hasn't come to an end  yet.

Is it all right ?  

I'm worried about the problem very much.

There seem to be many difficulties and many people are working very hard now. 

I wish the sooner end of this disaster.  

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