Let's enjoy English !


Words of a bulletin board 23

2014-06-28 | shrine and temple

Words of a bulletin board at a zen temple was renewed.

It means " to wait, to be patient "

We are too busy to wait something and our life is too convenient to be patient.

But our heart has lost room.

It may be important to think about the meaning of these words. 


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He loves playing in the open air.

2014-06-10 | family



  My grandson becomes one year and four months old now.

He loves playing in the open air even if it's hot or not.

He went into the puddle and had wet his trousers and his pair of shoes the other day.

So his mother went to a shop to buy this short pants.

Since he shows interest in anything that is new, we cannot look aside.

We love our grandson like this !

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Preparation for a green curtain

2014-06-08 | diary


   My husband planted seedlings of the bitter melon to make green curtain the other day. 

It does good job as a green curtain every year, so he planted them outside of our bed room too this year.

They will bear too many fruits for us to eat.

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Rainy season has come !

2014-06-07 | weather


Fish mint:Do-ku-da-mi


 Rainy season has come at last.

It's cloudy and cool a little today.

Sultry and uncomfortable days will continue for a month or so from now.

Though this plant smells bad, white flowers in the yard look fresh and cool.

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