Let's enjoy English !


Hello, our baby !

2013-01-30 | family


Congratulations to my daughter and her husband !

My daughter who married last year gave birth to a baby son a few days ago.

The baby is our first grandchild, so we are very happy too.


 May this baby lead a happy and healthy life !

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Busy days

2013-01-22 | diary


Long time no see !

I'm spending busy days these days.

 My mother in-law Shizu san who had been in a hospital from December 26 suffered from cerebral infarction in the evening on January 4 and she was sent to a big hospital by an ambulance.

She was in NCU for about 5 days and was in a single room for a serious case for about 8 days.

As her condition was stabilized, she came back to a hospital where she was first on January 16.   

She is sleeping almost all days and can't move her left side of the body. 

And she can't eat, so she is taking nutrition from a pipe put into the nose.  

She seldom speaks now.

In spite of the condition like this, she has been receiving rehabilitation. 


  Next, my dog that is 15 years old became ill and didn't eat at all at the end of last year.

I have been busy in taking care of him every day.

Now he became well a little.


  Last, this is a good news.

My daughter will give birth to a baby soon and we are preparing for that now. 


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Happy New Year

2013-01-02 | diary

sunrise on January 1

Happy New Year !

May this year be a happy and peaceful one !

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