Let's enjoy English !



2017-07-13 | family

 A family of my grandson came to my house the other day, so we enjoyed fire works.

It was very sultry and I sweated much but I didn't mind at all.

Enjoying a Japanese sparkler, I thought of my childhood in summer.


By the way, the rainy season in the south Kyusyu is  over today.

It is sunny and very hot today here.

The rainy season will be over soon here too.

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Planting summer vegetables

2016-05-05 | family

Give me the plant, grandfather !


Digging the ground is difficult.


Did I plant it well ?


Please grow into good sweet potato !


      My daughter's family visited us yesterday.

It was the first experience for my 3-year-old my grand child and he was very exciting.

We planted summer vegetables like eggplant, tomato, cucumber, yacon, green pepper and bitter gourd which will shut the strong sunshine in hot summer.

I'm looking forward to eating these vegetables in summer !


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With my grandfather

2015-10-22 | family

My grandfather took some trees  of bean from his vegetable field.

I'm helping him with picking beans.

Boiled beans are very delicious.

I'll take it to my mother.

Beans taste good eaten with a glass of beer !  

But drinking beer is too early for me.

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It's very hot !

2015-07-25 | family



 The rainy season had passed away and very hot summer has come.

My grandson is enjoying in the small pool.

He is showering in the garden, not in the pool.

It is very fun !

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Playing at the yard

2015-04-27 | family

 Where is the fuzz of the dandelion flying?


A butterfly is flying over there !   


  I found a bug !


Paddling is also fun as I expected!


I'd like to get on this !


 It's heavy and hard to heave ! 


 Please help us some day !

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Soap bubble

2015-03-28 | family

He succeeded in making soap bubbles and was very happy!

He didn't get tired of this play.


He is trying making soap bubbles at the yard.

A soap bubble made by Mommy is very big !

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2014-12-19 | family

Let's play !

We enjoyed spinning  the umbrella.


 Sprinkling water is fun !

Sweeping the wet ground is also very fun !


I never pass without looking at the puddles !

Running in the paddle is lots of fun !

I fell down in the water and the play was over.

It was fascinating !  


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Playing in the water

2014-07-26 | family



  This is the first experience for me.

It's fun and feel cool to play in the pool made from vinyl.

I want to be here a little longer !   

 I love this hose as well as playing in the water.

Water is cool and comfortable and my shirt and trousers were soaked to the skin. 

But it was a lt of fun! 

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He loves playing in the open air.

2014-06-10 | family



  My grandson becomes one year and four months old now.

He loves playing in the open air even if it's hot or not.

He went into the puddle and had wet his trousers and his pair of shoes the other day.

So his mother went to a shop to buy this short pants.

Since he shows interest in anything that is new, we cannot look aside.

We love our grandson like this !

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It's fun !

2014-04-05 | family

April 3 (Thursday)

  This is my first walking at my grandparent's yard.

The sun is shining and very warm today.

I see many flowers in the yard.

Spring has come ! 

I'll walk along an alley.

Stop !

Once I began to walk, I can't stop walking.

What's this ?

And what's that ?


Is it delicious ?

I'll try it.

I can see swallows too.

I had a very good time !  

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Happy birthday !

2014-01-28 | family

  My grandson became one year old today.

we celebrated his birthday the day before yesterday.


 He carried rice cake that weighs 1.4 kg on his back in a rucksack with the help of his parents.

We wished he would grow healthily and we hoped he would not troubled by food throughout his life. 


 Next we divined what job he would select in the future by his selection of the goods that was put in front of him.

He is taking a tape measure !

After that, we added a purse.

On putting it, he took it.

So he may become a rich craftsman.



His pretty actions made us laugh and laugh. 

After that we had lunch and had a  happy time.


rice boiled with red beans


Sea bream


big rice cakes


By the way, I made this rice cake using rice cake cooker.

I wondered if I could make it well or not because I used it after a very long time.

I managed to make it well !




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It's fun !

2013-12-01 | family

What's this ?


I'll try throwing.


Oh, it's fun !

One, two, three, four - - - 

  My grandchild becomes about ten months old now.

Everything is new to him and looks at it with interest.

He was paying attention to these persimmons and mandarin oranges.  

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Little by little

2013-09-13 | family

  My grandson who recently began to crawl found his grandparent.


He is trying to go there.


It's difficult for him to crawl smoothly yet.


Well, here goes !


He managed to be here !

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Once a week

2013-08-23 | family


 My grandson 'Mitchi' is about 7 months old now and growing healthy. 

Her mother visits my house with him once a week.

Every time I see him, he is changing and nowadays he tries to stand by catching something.

And he began to sit and crawl.  

I'm astonished by a baby's growth.

He is drinking boiled water with a toy with straw. 


under a nap

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By using Picasa

2013-06-29 | family

June 7


May 23

 I have been taking many pictures of my grandson since his birth.

His mother visits my house about once a week.

Every time I see him, he looks different.

I edited his photographs by using Picasa like this. 

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