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2024-07-17 |  creature



        The other day, my grandson tried goldfish scooping at a festival.

He brought two tiny goldfish, but one fell out of the container and only one survived.

He said he wouldn't keep one at his house, so we decided to keep one at ours.

Now I am researching how to care for it.

The rainy season is almost over and the days are hot, but seeing the goldfish swimming in the bowl helps me forget the heat for a little while.

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Welcome to my house every night.

2023-07-21 |  creature



    Geckoes(housekeeper) appear on the windows of my house night after night from the end of June.

Their backs are black and grotesque, but their bellies are pure white and cute.

They are good at catching tiny insects on the window. 

I see them during summer every night.

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2023-07-03 |  creature

They will leave the nest soon.


Yesterday, two days after the snake riot, the swallows were getting bigger and practicing flapping its wings.

I was watching over the nest so that the snake wouldn't attack them, but the snake didn't show up, probably because it was raining.

I felt like "Cheer up swallows !"

However, a tragedy occurred.

The picture was taken yesterday evening before my walking, and four swallows are leaning over and waiting for food.

When I came home about an hour later, the parent swallows were very noisy.

A large snake with a chick in its mouth was hunging from the nest.

My husband was away, so I asked a man next door to help me get rid of the snake.

I didin't know haw many swallows the snake ate.

It was sunny yesterday for the first time in a while, and the temperature rose, so maybe the snakes were active again.

I was very sad and disappointed.

Swallows have a life expectancy of about 15 years, but they are said to live about a year and a half on average because they are attacked by various creatures.

Living in nature is very difficult, isn't it ?

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Appearance of a snake

2023-06-30 |  creature



 Just before noon yesterday, several parent swallows made a loud warning cry of "chi-chi-chi-chi" around the nest.

When I looked around the nest to see what was going on, I saw a long, big snake coiled around the wires on the roof and the pipes around it.

It was clinging to the wires and it was stretching it's scythe toward the nest.

Horrified by the sight, I immediately called for my husband's help and clapped my hands, causing the snake to escape onto the roof.

MY husband tried to get rid of it with long sticks and hoes, but he failed. 

About an hour later, I found a snake hanging ftom the roof near the nest.

When I cried, it crawded away again.

After that, I looked around the nest from time to time, but the snake did not appear.

This morning, swallows were safe and I thought "I wish they could leave the nest sooner".

Survival in the wild is hard.

I have been watching the nest since this morning.


Another topic.

 Yesterday, I caught two large centipedes, one in the hallway of the annex and the other washbasin in the main building.

It was an exhausting day for such an event in the hot and humid weather.

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Flying swallows and ・・・

2023-06-11 |  creature



Swallows in flight over paddy fields.

Are they catching worms?

It was difficult to take this picture.



Excuse me for changing the subject.

"I borrowed this picture from the internet"


My husband found it on the hallway of the toiletroom last night.

 I was so horrified.

He got rid of it with  Kinchol for Centipede.

I saw a big one in tatami room about a month ago.

This is the 4th time that I saw a centipede in this season. 

I must be careful about these worms for the time being.

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Welcome !

2017-07-15 |  creature


Geckoes began to appear every night to eat tiny bugs.

I see them every summer night.

Their back side is blackish gray, but their abdomen is snow-white and their palms are very pretty.

The bugs were not so many that night, but sometimes they can catch a lot of bags.

Sometimes I see their stomach tight because of eating so many bugs.

I'll see them at night for the time being.

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2015-07-11 |  creature


I found this cicada in my living room on July 12. 


  It has been cloudy and hot and it sometimes rain these days.

The rainy season hasn't finished yet, but it is sunny now.

I see sunflowers blooming here and there.

It is one of the signs of summer.

By the way, I saw a cicada that is another sign of summer in my garden this morning.

This is the first time I saw it this year.

I hear the sound of cicada now.

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Swallow fallen from the nest

2015-06-27 |  creature

 My husband found a baby swallow fallen from the nest yesterday morning.

What had happened to it ?

Its parents looked worried.

My husband returned it to the nest.

Now it is in the nest with the other three baby swallows.

I wish they also grow safely !

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Leaving the nest

2015-05-15 |  creature



with their parents

  Swallows that had returned from the south in the beginning of March laid eggs in their nest.

Hatched baby swallow left the nest the other day.

They were practicing flights fearfully.

Now they can fly very well.

Congratulations ! 

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2015-01-17 |  creature




 I see many crows for these several days. 

There may be creatures such as angleworm in a cultivated rice paddy and come to eat them.

 Even in the evening they were flying without returning to their nests.

I wonder what on earth happened to them ?

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Soft-shelled turtle

2015-01-17 |  creature



My neighborhood caught a soft-shelled turtle yesterday morning and came to my house to show us.

It was about 30cm from the head to the tail.

Perhaps It was  hibernating in the ditch that is under construction.

The man sold It to a restaurant. 

 How pitiful the turtle is ! 

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The season has come !

2013-05-18 |  creature

 It had been cool till a  few days ago, but it is very hot after that.

The temperature changes quickly.

It's middle of May and the hot summer is coming little by little.


Jack in the pulpit ; Ma-mu-shi gu-sa


 We sometimes see this awful creature named  Japanese copperhead:Ma-mu-shi around here.

I hear some people are bitten this snake every year.

So we should be careful in the grass.

I came across the creature this afternoon while taking a walk  and I was surprised very much.


Japanese copperhead ; Ma-mu-shi

If we are bitten this snake, serum should be injected at the hospital.

It has strong poison. 

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Ducks in the rice field

2012-07-14 |  creature


 I see many ducks in the pond near my house in winter, but I can see only two ducks in summer.

Other ducks have flown to the north.

These two ducks live in the pond all year round and don't return to the north even in summer.

A few years ago, there were five ducks that lived in the pond all year round, but now there are only two. 

 These two came to the rice field to eat something.



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2011-08-02 |  creature

 It's the season of cicada and I wake up to hear the noisy sound of cicada these days.

It is said that cicada spend seven years under the ground and only lives seven days after coming out onto the ground.

The sound of this insect makes us more hot in the hot summer days.

But hearing the sound of  cicada, I feel the very summer season.


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Bird flu

2011-01-27 |  creature

Ducks in Oike
Bird flu has been spreading at many places in Japan since last year and lots of chickens are being killed. 
It occurred at 13 places in Hokkaido, Shimane prefecture, Kagoshima prefecture, Miyazaki prefecture and Aichi prefecture. 
Especially, chicken farmer are worrying about this disease and became very sensitive.
And we shouldn't touch the dead wild birds even if we find it somewhere. 
By the way, ducks in the pond near my house look fine now.
I hope they don't become flu.

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