Let's enjoy English !


Evening sky

2007-08-29 | weather

 This is a picture of sunset this evening.
It's been very hot this summer, but fall is around the corner.
I hear the sound of insects at night and the air in the evening is cool.

I really looking forward to the coming of fall.


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Saint's summer festival

2007-08-22 | shrine and temple
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Saint's summer festival was held at a temple called 'O-da-i-shi sa-ma' near my house on August 20 this year.
They danced Bon- dance and sang to Ka-ra-o-ke.
Some stalls were selling shaved ice, candy and so on.

And I saw a banner standing at a small shrine called 'Ko-i-cha no ba-a-sa-n' (Old woman who likes strong tea).

Every year, I feel the sign of fall after this festival.
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Leek flower

2007-08-16 | plant
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Leek flowers are blooming now.
I saw a butterfly sipping honey on this flower.

By the way, it's very hot these days in spite of the beginning of fall on the calender.
The temperature in Gu-n-ma prefecture was over 40 ℃ yesterday and some people became Heat Disorder.
They say some died of the Heat Disorder.
Of course, it's very hot here too.

Please take care, everyone !
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Rural scenery

2007-08-10 | scenery

It's very hot these days.

Looking at these green scenery, I feel cool a little.

Priests are visiting our houses one after another to recite sutra because Bon festival is coming near.

Our priest came to our house this morning and prayed for our ancestors.

It must be a hard work in the hot summer days !

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Globe amaramth

2007-08-06 | plant

 Taking a walk, I found this flower called 'Globe amaranth';(Se-n-ni-chi-ko-u).
They were very pretty .
This flower reminds me of 'Bon festival' because we often offer it to the grave.

Please click this picture !

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2007-08-03 |  creature
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I hear the sound of cicada these days.
I found this cicada on the tree in my yard.
Hearing its sound, I feel much hotter.

I hear he life of cicada under the ground is very long (about seven years) and the life on the ground is very short (about one or two weeks).
So they seem to sing their songs as hard as possible during the hot summer days.

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