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2006-07-31 |  creature
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I saw a mantis on this herb.
Its color of light green is so nice!
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Chinese lantern;(Ground cherry)

2006-07-29 | plant
These Chinese lanterns;(Winter cherry) turned to orange.
They remind me of coming of hot summer and O-bo-n.
We offer this plant to Buddhist altar.

I played with its seed in my childhood.
I put it to my mouth and tried to made a noise, but I seldom succeeded.

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Chinese lantern 6/6
Chinese lantern 6/6
05 7/17

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Scenery in summer

2006-07-28 | scenery
The Meteorological Agency declared that the rainy season ended in Kyu-shu and Shi-ko-ku area the day before yesterday.
Though it's very hot and sunny here in Okayama, it hasn't ended yet.

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Proverb 98

2006-07-26 | proverb

Rose of sharon; (Mu-ku-ge)

 Misfortune never come alone(single).

This proverb has the same meaning as the one; 'It never rains but pours.'
Nobody want the situation like that, but  we won't be able to avoid it during our lives.


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Lotus flower

2006-07-23 | plant

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Lotus flowers begin to bloom in the pond near my house.
They begin to open early in the morning, so I couldn't see the flowers in full bloom because I took this pictures in the evening.
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Green rice field

2006-07-22 | rice field (farming)
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Rice plants that were planted at the beginning of June are growing well.
Looked from the second floor, the rice fields look like green carpets.
The color of green is very beautiful to see.
My husband goes there every morning to control the water.
Some moles sometimes dig the earth, then the water flow out of the field.
In that case, he buries the hole.
I wash there be a good way for both man and moles !
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Proverb 97

2006-07-19 | proverb


 It never rains but pours.

Our life never go as we hope to.
Sometimes bad thing happen one after another.
But it will disappear as time passes. 



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2006-07-18 |  creature
There were friendly frogs on the pipe.
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Test of animation 2

2006-07-17 | others
This is a test of animation using this site.
I managed to success the test thanks to it.
I'm very glad !

The picture is the evening sky on July 15 and 16.
There are thunders these days and it is cloudy or rainy.
It must be the sign of the end of rainy season.

Hot summer is around the corner !
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In the hot summer days

2006-07-15 | weather


It's very hot these days though the rainy season hasn't finished yet.

Please take care of your health !

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Cabbages along the rice field

2006-07-14 | scenery
 I saw many cabbages planted along a rice field.
They looked neat in a line.
The owner of this rice field has some large vegetable field.
So I don't know why he is planting them here.
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Proverb 96

2006-07-12 | proverb

Monarda; (Ta-i-ma-tsu-so-u)

 A stitch in time saves nine.

If we act in good timing, we will be able to go on doing it very smoothly.
The first step is important.

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2006-07-11 | plant

Taking a walk yesterday, I saw this flower.

I don't know the name of this flower, so I looked it up in a  picture encyclopedia.
I  found the same flower as this in the book.
Its name is Cleome spinosa: (Se-i-yo-u Fu-u-cho-u-so-u).
'Fu-u-cho-u' means 'wind and butterfly.'
Its a wonderful name !


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2006-07-08 | plant
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Flower of Gladiolus began to bloom.
A bee was flying and entered into the petals to suck nectar from the flower.
And it flied out of it.
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Proverb 95

2006-07-05 | proverb

Mo-ji-zu-ri; (Ne-ji-ba-na)

 A rolling stone gathers no moss.

This proverb has two meanings.
  One is that if we don't do a thing for a long time, we can't get  anything.
  The other is that a man who is  always doing something won't miss the age.

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