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Flower of butterbur sprout

2010-03-28 | plant
Mouse on !


Do you know what this flower is ?
It's the flower of butterbur sprout that was very tiny bud and we could eat it at the beginning of February.
We see some butter-burs around this flower.
Stalk of butterbur is also eatable so we enjoy it like butterbur sprout.
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Shizusan's hospitalization

2010-03-24 | diary

Taiwan cherry ; (ka-n-hi sa-ku-ra)

  My mother-in-law ; Shizusan(90) has been in a hospital since yesterday afternoon.
She had difficulty in breathing and had a swollen face.
She couldn't walk or talk, so we called an an ambulance and took her to the hospital.
Her heart failure seemed to show some kinds of symptoms.
So she is in the hospital now.
I wish her sooner recovery.
By the way it isn't a boast at all,  this was the third time I took an ambulance.
First time, with my father.
Second time, with my husband.
Third time, with Shizusan.
I don't want to take an ambulance any more.



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2010-03-22 | plant

Magnolia at Odaishi temple

 White magnolia is in full bloom now.
I can see the white flower of Odaishi temple from my house.
This flower is easily damaged by the frost and changes to yellow.
Seen from my house today, they look yellow.
It must have been cold last night.

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Dust storm

2010-03-21 | weather

this morning

  I woke up to find the scenery around my house strange this morning.
I couldn't see the mountain far away at all.
But the sky became clear before long because the dust was flown away to the east.
It's because of the dust storm ( ko-u-sa) from Chinese continent.
The TV news told it was seen all over Japan today.
By the way, these are the pictures of 2006 and 2007 taken from the same point.

2007 April 2

2006 April 24

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Cherry blossoms 1

2010-03-15 | plant

  At last the season of cherry blossoms began.
This is one kind of cherry blossoms whose flower blooms earlier than the usual one.
We will be able to enjoy delicious cherry in May. 
I'm sorry but this tree isn't mine.


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On the wedding anniversary

2010-03-11 | plant

Double-petaled camellia

  March 8 was my 37th wedding anniversary.
The period seemed to be very short as well as very long.
I wish we could lead a happy and healthy life from now on.
On that day I happened to find a kind of camellia named 'O-to-me tsu-ba-ki'  while I was taking a walk.
It looks like a rose.
I felt as if this flower celebrated my wedding anniversary.

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Butter-bur sprout

2010-03-06 | plant
March 5

It is becoming warmer and warmer though we have some cold days yet.
Today is the day when tiny creatures come out of the ground.
We call it 'ke-i-chi-tsu'.
And the flowers and the plants are growing little by little day by day.
Butter-bur sprout also grew like the picture and it'll soon have tiny white flowers.

Mouse on !

January 30
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White flower in early spring

2010-03-03 | plant

At the rice field

  Spring is around the corner now and we have cold days and warm days in turn these days.
The scenery is changing from the brown world to the spring color.
Some kinds of pretty flowers began to bloom.
Today I uploaded white flowers seen around my house.
These are some of them.

shepherd's purse




North pole


Japanese star anise


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