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He is growing.

2013-05-21 | family


 My grandchild who was born at the end of January is growing healthily.

His appetite is large and drinks his mother's milk fully every day.

I see him every week, and he is getting larger and larger.

I feel the energy of a baby very much.



We celebrated on his first Boy's Festival on May 5.

We wished he grew up healthily.

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The season has come !

2013-05-18 |  creature

 It had been cool till a  few days ago, but it is very hot after that.

The temperature changes quickly.

It's middle of May and the hot summer is coming little by little.


Jack in the pulpit ; Ma-mu-shi gu-sa


 We sometimes see this awful creature named  Japanese copperhead:Ma-mu-shi around here.

I hear some people are bitten this snake every year.

So we should be careful in the grass.

I came across the creature this afternoon while taking a walk  and I was surprised very much.


Japanese copperhead ; Ma-mu-shi

If we are bitten this snake, serum should be injected at the hospital.

It has strong poison. 

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Words of a bulletin board 18

2013-05-13 | shrine and temple


Words of a bulletin board at a zen temple was renewed a few days ago.

"We should live our lives with modesty, decency or delicacy not with having the risk of our lives."

I-no-chi-ga-ke and ko-ko-ro-ga-ke in Japanese are the words which have stepped on the same sound and rhyme.

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After a Buddhist service

2013-05-04 | diary


 Crimson peony bloomed in my yard gorgeously.

I grow three kinds of this flower, red one and white one and pink one. 

White flower will bloom soon but white one don't have any buds this year.

The life of this flower is also short like cherry blossoms.


By the way, I'm a little tired today because we had a Buddhist service for laying the ashes in the tomb at a ceremony  hall yesterday.

We recited some kinds of sutras with a priest about forty minutes for the soul of Shizu san.

After visiting our grave, we enjoyed meal with our guests.

There wasn't so much work to do, but I was very tired. 

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Visit to our grave

2013-05-02 | diary

White kerria:Shiro yamabuki 

 Thirty five days have passed since Shizu-san passed away.

We will have a Buddhist service for laying the ashes in the tomb tomorrow.  

So I visited our grave to clean the gravestone and the site in the afternoon. 

The ground was covered with the fallen leaves of bamboo grass. 

To tell the truth, we went there on April 30  too and cleaned the ground.

I hope the ceremony would be held smoothly !

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2013-05-01 | plant

Long time no see !

 It's May 1 and the scenery around us is full of verdure.

They are growing day by day and I feel the energy of life in the fresh green.

I can refresh my mind by the sight.

It's one of the comfortable seasons of the year. 

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