Let's enjoy English !



2006-03-31 | plant

 Forsythia; (Re-n-gyo-u) is in full bloom now.

This yellow fence looks beautiful.
Taking a walk with my dog, I enjoy this scenery every morning and afternoon.
But the period of flower is short and fresh green leaves will come out before long.  


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Proverb 81

2006-03-29 | proverb


 A little learning is a dangerous thing.

Doing something, we may have big failure without getting enough knowledge or information.
We should prepare fully. 


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2006-03-27 | plant

 Flowers of Sa-n-syu-u is blooming in front of Inari shrine near my house now.

I took the picture of this tree last year, but I didn't know the name of it.
Thanks to the blogs of others, I know its name now.




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2006-03-26 | plant

 Spring has come at last!
I see various kinds of flowers around us and this daffodil is one of them.


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Image of Korean dog

2006-03-24 | shrine and temple

Patron shrine

We call these 'Image of Korean dogs' or 'Guardian dogs' 'Ko-ma i-nu'.

They stand at  the entrance of our patron shrine.
One of the statues opens its mouth and the other closes its mouth.
A pair of 'Ko-ma i-nu' stands for Sanskrit word 'a-hum'; 'A-u-n' in Japanese.



They symbolize Alpha and Omega; 'from the beginning to the end ' of all things.




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Christmas rose on the water

2006-03-23 | plant

These are Christmas roses in the bowl.
I picked some flowers to arrange them the other day, but they began to wither.
So I put them in the bowl.
They became fresh again and I'm enjoying the beauty again.


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Proverb 80

2006-03-22 | proverb

Christmas rose

Whom the gods love, die young.

I don't know well why a beautiful lady tends to die young. 
It is also said that a talented person tends to have lots of sickness. 
I don't know why.




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Trip to Kaike spa 5

2006-03-19 | diary

 On March 12 Sunday, we visited Adachi museum of Art in Shimane prefecture. 
It has many masterpieces of Taikan Yokoyama, Seiho Takeuchi, Gyokudo Kawai ,Tessai Tomioka and so on with the splendid Japanese style garden.
Besides they exhibit the works of ceramic art of famous Rosanjin Kitaoji and Kanjiro Kawai.
I had wanted to visit the museum someday, so I enjoyed them very much !


From inside the room







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Trip to Kaike spa 4

2006-03-18 | diary

 In the evening, we arrived at a Japanese-style inn that we managed to reserve on that afternoon.
After taking a hot spring bath, we enjoyed fried fish, top shell dish and crab dish etc. very much.

Our main purposes of this trip were taking a hot spring bath and having crab-dish.

We were satisfied with both of them !    



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Trip to Kaike spa 3

2006-03-17 | diary

 After visiting the tower, we walked along the 'Shigeru Mizuki Road'.
As you know, Shigeru Mizuki is a famous cartoonist and one of his works 'Ge-ge-ge no Ki-ta-ro' is very popular.
As he was born at Sa-ka-i city in Tottori prefecture, the people of the city made them as a monument.
There are many characters of 'Ge-ge-ge no Ki-ta-ro' made of bronze statue along the road.

These are some of them.



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Trip to Kaike spa 2

2006-03-16 | diary

From the 'Yu-me-mi-na-to tower'
Shi-ma-ne peninsula is over there.

 We went to 'Yu-me-mi-na-to tower' which was built as a symbol tower for 'Sa-n-in Yu-me-mi-na-to exposition'  held in July 1997  .
We can see Japan sea, Mt. Daisen and so on from 43 meters from the ground.

'Yu-me-mi-na-to tower'

Japan sea

Owing to being cloudy and 'Ko-u-sa' from Chinese continent, I couldn't see the scenery very clearly.  


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Trip to Kaike spa 1

2006-03-15 | diary

Daisen and Hiruzen

 I made a trip to Tottori prefecture last Saturday.
The main purposes were taking a hot spring bath  and  eating crab dish.
We drove in the expressway.

Scenery from the Takahashi parking area

Daisen covered with snow


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Proverb 79

2006-03-15 | proverb
 There is no royal road to learning.

Learning something, even a king has no shortcut for that.
Any person must make an effort day by day. 

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Christmas rose in the morror

2006-03-09 | plant

These are Christmas rose in the mirror.
After trying again and again, I managed to take the picture.

The tone is a little different from the real flower.

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Proverb 78

2006-03-08 | proverb

U-me blossom

 Strike the iron while it is hot.

Man should be trained while they are young like the iron.
There is a good timing to do everything !

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