Let's enjoy English !


Lion dance 2014

2014-05-07 | shrine and temple


   A group of Lion dance called 'I-se Da-i-ka-gu-ra' came to my house before noon and danced a Lion dance wishing for our health and good luck.

We can drive out devils from our house and purify our home.

They visit from house to house.

First, we pay some money to this group so everyone doesn't request to dance.

The number of the people who request to dance seems to become less and less every year. 

'I-se Da-i-ka-gu-ra' is specified to the important intangible folk cultural property of the country, so we should value it for long !






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Sign of summer

2014-05-05 | plant


Taking a walk, I found these flowers in the pond.

These flower bloom at this time of the year.

When I see it, I feel the sign of summer.

By the way, today is the first day of summer of the lunar calendar 'Rikka' in Japanese. 

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