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Registration in Kiva

2008-05-28 | Kiva

Japanese Bluestar

  I registered in Kiva today.

Next, I wondered which person to lend.
About 400 people were registered in Kiva, it was  very difficult to choose.
But I managed to finish choosing.
I chose this lady

The next thing I had to do was the card settlements that was my first challenge.
I  somehow completed it.

I joined this project because I was interested very much when I knew these kind of things were available by using the Internet.

I wish the money be returned !


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2008-05-27 | Kiva


  Have you ever heard the word 'Kiva' ?
I hadn't heard about it till I saw a TV program of NHK BS1 last night.
The title was 'entrepreneur challenging a social poor ' and it moved me very much.
People all over the world support the poor in the developing country by financing.
The poor aim at independence by the business they begin with the money from all over the world.
We can join this project by using  Internet.
And the money loaned will be returned, so we don't call it a volunteer.
An American 30 year-old man started this wonderful project.
I also want to join this project because this is a very good idea.
I'll try !




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2008-05-26 | plant

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 Calla is blooming one after another these days.
I picked some of them and put them into the vase at the entrance hall.
Contrast between green and white of this flower is neat and clean.
By the way,
I found a frog in the flower.
It's eyes look gold ! 

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Dwarf golden ninebark

2008-05-24 | plant
I see seeds of Dwarf golden ninebark;(Ki-n-ba ko-de-ma-ri or Ko-ga-ne te-ma-ri shi-mo-tsu-ke) in my yard.
Leaves of this tree are light yellow and the seeds of this flower are red, so this tree looks very colorful.
They seem to use this tree for a flower arrangement in Japan.

May 13

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Leaving hospital

2008-05-22 | diary

A kind of peony; Sha-ku-ya-ku

  My mother-in-law who had been in hospital for a week left hospital this afternoon.
After the surgical operation, she recovered very well for her age.
To my surprise, she went to her vegetable field in the evening to see the pumpkins that she planted the other day or to pick faba beans.

Congratulations !


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Silene armeria 

2008-05-21 | plant

  Flowers of silene armeria are blooming here and there now.
We call this flower garden catchfly ; Mu-shi-to-ri na-de-shi-ko because sticky liquid from knots of stalk captures the tiny insect like ants.



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2008-05-17 | diary

from inside sickroom

  My mother-in-law,  Shi-zu san  who is 88 years old , had a surgical operation for heart disease at Ku-ra-shi-ki central hospital yesterday afternoon.
So she is in hospital now.
She has been using a pacemaker for 16 years and this operation is the third time.
Battery of the first pacemaker worked for about 6 years and the second one worked about 10 years.
If she recovers well, she'll be able to leave hospital next Thursday.

conversation room or a dining room





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Collecting materials

2008-05-14 | diary
I happened to see some people taking video tape in front of a zen-temple named Se-n-ko-u-ji about a week ago.
According to a man around there, they were cameraman and reporters from NHK.

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Taking a walk this evening, I saw a notice at the gate of a house where one of a famous mystery writers named Se-i-shi Yo-ko-mi-zo lived for a few years after World WarⅡand wrote some masterpieces.

I'm looking forward to watching the program on June 10 !

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*Added on November 16 2010
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2008-05-12 | plant
Iris began to bloom beside the pond where lotus flower bloom in summer.
Only yellow flowers bloom there.
They are very cute !
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2008-05-10 | plant
It's been raining since this morning, so it's cool today.

By the way, some kinds of azalea are blooming beautifully.

Mpuse on !

At Ta-ne-ma-tsu ya-ma park in Ku-ra-shi-ki city (5/4)

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At O-i-ke near my house (5/9)

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The beginning of the season

2008-05-06 | rice field (farming)

Flowers of Chinese milk vetch

 I often hear the sound of engine these days.
Farmers began to prepare the soil for rice planting.
Some are cultivating the soil with  farm tractors and others are are cutting the weeds around the fields or burning the dried weeds.
So the rice fields with flowers of Chinese milk vetch will also be cultivated before long.  

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Flower of wisteria

2008-05-05 | plant
It's very sunny and hot yesterday.
I went to Ta-ne-ma-tsu ya-ma in Kurashiki city with my sister -in-law to see flowers of wisteria.
It was my first visit.
As for Ta-ne-ma-tsu ya-ma, it reminds us of many graves.
So I was very surprised to see the beauty of the trees and flowers there.
Three kinds of flowers of wisteria ; violet, pink and white are in full bloom now.
We enjoyed the greens and flowers very much.

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