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Buddhist memorial service

2006-01-30 | diary

It was fine and warm yesterday.
We had a Buddhist memorial service for my father in-law and grandmother in-law .
It has been seven years since my father in-law  died and thirty-three years since my grand mother in-law  died.
After a priest prayed for an hour before the altar at 'To-ko-no-ma' of a main room in my house, we went to the tomb carrying with flowers, some kinds of offering and so on.
Next we went to a Japanese style restaurant to have lunch.
We enjoyed chatting and  having drinks or many kinds of dishes there.

I am tired a little today !



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2006-01-27 | diary


 I went to see the dentist this afternoon.
I went there about ten days ago, so this was the second time.

I hadn't been there for about three years.
The other day, I felt bad in my right upper gums.
But I didn't want to go to see the dentist, so I began brushing my gums carefully.
In spite of my effort, my teeth didn't get well and at last I went to the dentist.

The dentist found a few bad teeth, so I have to go there some times to cure them.


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Proverb 73

2006-01-25 | proverb

Dowarf lilyturf:(Ryu-u-no-hi-ge or Jya-no-hi-ge)

 The more haste, the less speed.

We will reach the destination earlier when we take a safe way even if it is a little far away than taking a dangerous one that is nearer.

There is another proverb meaning the same as this.
Slow and steady wins the race. 




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Sign of spring

2006-01-22 | plant

Buds of Ume blossom

It's very cold these days, but I feel the sign of spring when I see these flowers and the buds of various trees.


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Japanese silverleaf;(Tsu-wa-bu-ki)

2006-01-22 | plant

The yellow flower of Japanese silverleaf;(Tsu-wa-bu-ki)  has become white down  now.
It'll fly to other places and  the seeds will grow there to bloom beautiful flower.


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Livedoor shock

2006-01-19 | e-trade

’05 11/19

I have the stock certificate of  livedoor now.
Owing to the livedoor shock, the price is becoming lower day by day.
A great many people including me want to sell the stock of the company for fear of missing the money.
So the stock trading of livedoor did not work out today because of the unbalance of the number of selling and buying.
Perhaps the phenomenon will occur tomorrow too.

By the way, how will be the president of livedoor; Mr. Takafumi Horie (Ho-ri-e-mo-n)  who was once a hero.

An unexpected case;(So-u-te-i-ga-i  in his words) happened !




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Proverb 72

2006-01-18 | proverb

Weeds in rice field

 Spare the rod and spoil the child.

If we really love our child, we should be strict to the child with love.
It isn't good to treat him or her like a pet.
For example, weeds in this picture are much stronger than the flowers in the greenhouse.

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2006-01-16 | plant


Taking a walk yesterday evening, I saw a tall tree.
So I took pictures of the tree and went up to the tree to see fruits of it.
Many grayish-white fruits were hanging from the twigs.

It was the first time I saw the tree and its fruit.   



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2006-01-13 | new product

 I bought a printer yesterday.
My printer which I had used had been broken at the end of last year after I printed new year's card.
So I took it to the store I had bought, but the clerk of the store said that buying new one was better.
So I decided to buy a new one.
This EPSON's PM-G730 is the one I bought.
I have to read the manual not to break this one.


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Proverb 71

2006-01-11 | proverb


  Of two evils choose the lesser.

No one would select the worse, choosing  one of the two bad things.
It is an ordinary action.


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A small pond

2006-01-10 | scenery

  This is a pond where Lotus flower and Iris bloom in June.

Now the pond is very quiet and no plant can be seen.

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Cold days

2006-01-07 | weather

 Yesterday was the beginning of cold winter;(ka-n-no-i-ri).
It will be very cold until the beginning of spring in the calendar;(Se-tsu-bu-n).
Now there is a very strong cold air mass over Japan island, and it is snowing heavily, especially at the side of Japan sea.
There was a snowfall of four meters in the Niigata area.
And it is reported some house were crushed in the weight.
They say they never have had such a heavy snowfall till now.

The weather may be strange, because it's too hot in summer and too cold in winter.



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Proverb 70

2006-01-04 | proverb


 Necessity has no law.

Does a man do anything that may violate the law if he feel it is indispensable for him ?
I don't want to do such a thing if possible.





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New Year's visit to a shrine

2006-01-03 | shrine and temple

This is 'a turning over calendar at day' that I bought at a shop of the shrine.

I went to New Year's visit to a shrine yesterday afternoon.
There were great many people praying for a good luck, good health or well-being of the family of this year.

'Ta-ka-ma-tsu Sa-i-jyo I-na-ri'

They are burning incense and it is said  the smoke is also good for our health.

These are votive pictures called 'E-ma' in Japanese.
We write our wishes on the board, for example, passing prayer for entrance examination, marriage prayer or praying for sick recovery and so on.

This  is a  written fortune  I consulted and I was satisfied with the result. 
It says I will be
 the best  luck ; 'Da-i-ki-chi' this year.
I am looking forward to the coming of  good  lucks!

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New Year

2006-01-01 | diary

A Happy New Year ! 

I wish this year be a  happy one for all of you.

It has been about a year and a half since I began keeping a diary on this blog.
Blog has become very popular these days and more and more people are joining it.
I'll continue this as far as possible from now on.

 So let's enjoy English ! 




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