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Happy birthday !

2011-01-29 | diary


Happy birthday to Shizu-san !


Today is my mother-in-law, Shizu-san's birthday.
She became 91 years old today.
She has overcome various kinds of disease and lived vigorously.
Her mind was always fine while she was sick.
I wish she could lead a sound and happy life  from now on and have 92 years birthday in good health !


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Bird flu

2011-01-27 |  creature

Ducks in Oike
Bird flu has been spreading at many places in Japan since last year and lots of chickens are being killed. 
It occurred at 13 places in Hokkaido, Shimane prefecture, Kagoshima prefecture, Miyazaki prefecture and Aichi prefecture. 
Especially, chicken farmer are worrying about this disease and became very sensitive.
And we shouldn't touch the dead wild birds even if we find it somewhere. 
By the way, ducks in the pond near my house look fine now.
I hope they don't become flu.

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Sign of spring 2

2011-01-26 | plant

It's very very cold these days, but I saw another sign of spring near my house.
Red u-me blossoms began to bloom.  
The sight of the blossom show us sign of spring.

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Mini sized To-n-do Ya-ki

2011-01-14 | diary


We burned down New Year's ornaments that we made using rice plants at the end of last year.
A few rice cakes, oranges, some old notes from temple or shrine were also burned with them.
After burning them, we took out scorched rice cakes and oranges from the ash to eat them.
I ate rice cakes with boiled red beans wishing for good health and good luck of this year.
Rice cake with sweet red beans was very delicious. 
We call this event ' TO-N-DO YA-KI' in Japanese.

This is the final event of this New Year. 
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Sign of spring

2011-01-13 | plant

u-me blossom

I saw  a few u-me blossoms blooming in the plum tree at the precincts of O-da-i-shi sa-ma.
It'll be very cold for a while but I feel the sign of spring seeing this blossom.

plum tree

I looked for the blossom  and I found only one or two blossoms in the tree.
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Words of a bulletin board 12

2011-01-12 | shrine and temple

The words of a bulletin board had been changed like this.
The meaning of these words is as follows.

I'm sorry, this word will stop a conflict.
Thank you, this word will bring calmness or friendship.
Fortunately, this word will make our mind rich.

I wish everyone could lead a happy and calm life  this year ! 
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2011-01-10 | plant

It's very cold these days because it is in the midst of winter in Japan.
So I see few flowers blooming in my yard except Sasanqua.
Taking a walk, I found yellow flower named Ro-u-ba-i that is in full bloom. 
It smells very good.
Though spring won't come till March, I feel the sign of  spring.

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Visit to a shrine

2011-01-05 | shrine and temple

Takamatsu Saijyo Inari 

I made the first visit to one of the three largest shrines in Japan named Takamatsu Saijyo Inari yesterday afternoon.
Great many people were praying  wishing for their happiness, good health,  good job, peace and  so on of this year. 

I bought a hand made page-a-day calendar by Tetsuo Takahara who likes drawing cats.
He paints pictures on the plywood.
I also like the words on it. 
The words this year means that we should listen to heart.

These are the pictures I bought before.

Cyclamen is the flower that I get at a shop in open air there every year.
                             I bought two pots of cyclamen; white and violet there. 
                                          They will continue to bloom around May.
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New Year

2011-01-01 | diary

Happy New Year !

May this year be  peace and  happy  for all of you.

Special New Year's food


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