Let's enjoy English !


Spider lily

2010-09-27 | plant

It has been very cool since a few days ago and spider lily began to bloom around my house.
I see this flower later than usual.
May be the heat of this summer caused this phenomena.
The contrast between green and red attracts my eyes.

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Sky on the day of mid-autumn

2010-09-22 | weather

rainbow after the thunderstorm in the afternoon

It's the day of 'Harvest moon at mid-autumn' in Japan.
We Japanese enjoy the beautiful full moon in autumn every year.
But regret to say, I couldn't enjoy it because of bad weather this year.
We had  thunderstorm this afternoon  and it lasted till night.
I managed to see the full-moon over the thin cloud a little while ago.

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Cool fall has come !

2010-09-16 | weather

Long long hot summer has gone at last and cool fall has come !
It's very cool especially in the morning and at night, so I can have a good sleep.
I hear the song of some kinds of insects at night.
They bring us the feeling of fall.
We will be able to spend comfortable days for a while.

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Under construction

2010-09-10 | diary

There hasn't been no drainage equipment in my district till now, but construction of drainage tube laying underground began this Monday.
The path in front of my house was dug deeply and a pipe was buried.
In spite of the heat of these days, those who are constructing it are working very hard.  
This earthwork is very hard especially during hot summer.
I'm worrying about  their suffering from heat disorder.

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Queen of the Night (Dutchman's pipe cactus)

2010-09-05 | plant

A flower of Queen of the Night bloomed last night.
As I was  looking forward to seeing the flower for a few years, so I was very happy last night. 
It began to bloom  early in the evening and was in full bloom at midnight.
The nice smell of the flower was very strong.
Regret to say, this flower withered early in the morning.
But another flower in the another pot will bloom tonight.
I'll enjoy this gorgeous flower tonight too.





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Beautiful rice fields

2010-09-01 | rice field (farming)

August 28

About three months have passed since farmers planted rice plants.
Hot weather of this summer is doing good for the plants and they are growing beautifully.
Tiny white flowers of rice are blooming now.
After a month, they will be able to harvest them.

August 24

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