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Contraceptive operation

2021-02-21 | animal



   About two weeks ago, Fuku began to keep crying with loud voice day and night.

So my daughter took her to a veterinary.

This cat is about four or five months old and weigh is two kilometers, so it is possible to perform an contraceptive operation. 

And the veterinary performed a contraceptive operation on February 10.

Cats don't like Elizabeth collar, so Fuku came back home without wearing it on that day.

A week later, the threads were removed safely.

She is precocious a little.

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Words of a bulletin board 61

2021-02-15 | shrine and temple


This time , the words of a bulletin board is 

”Nin nun tou tou” in Japanese.

These words are Zen words.

The meaning of these words is we should not worry about the future but thinking about this moment.

We should live a life freely at this moment.

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